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BIOL2010 The Biology of Development (previously B250)

2nd year half-course-unit Jan-March 2008

[Important: the information on this page is definitive and supersedes any conflicting information you might find elsewhere - e.g. the Faculty of Life Sciences course information pages. Check this page regularly as any changes will be posted here (last updated 17/3/2008)]


Lectures are held on Mondays 12-1pm and on Wednesdays 9-10am in the Gavin de Beer Lecture Theatre, Anatomy Building.

Organiser: Dr Hazel Smith, Dept of Biology. (~ 60 students registered)

Assessment: 85% final exam, 15% coursework essay.

*********** follow this link to BIOL2010 COURSEWORK ESSAY TITLE 2008 and how to write and submit it, deadlines etc************

[Note: this 2nd year course is designed to feed into the 3rd year course ANAT3003/4 Mechanisms of Development, organized and run by Prof Claudio Stern in the Dept of Anatomy and Developmental Biology. This course is organized in two half-units – ANAT3003 (lectures) and ANAT3004 (practicals/demonstrations/tutorial). Students can take either ANAT3003 alone or ANAT3003 and ANAT3004 together. If you find that you enjoyed BIOL2010, then you should seriously consider taking ANAT3003/4 next year]




Note about lecture notes: html files are designed to be read online, pdf files are easier to print out but require Adobe reader

01 Jan 07 (Mon) Introduction: why study development? The main issues, model systems (WR)

02 Jan 09 (Wed) Drosophila: genetics of segmentation (WR) [html] [pdf]

03 Jan 14 (Mon) Drosophila: homeotic (HOM) genes. Antennapedia and Bithorax Complexes (WR) [html] [pdf]

04 Jan 16 (Wed) Molecular genetics of the BX-C [Handout for lectures 3 and 4 given by HS]

05 Jan 21 (Mon) Vertebrate HOM genes (WR) !!RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY 13TH!!

06 Jan 23 (Wed) Tutorial on essay writing [html] [How We Cite]

07 Jan 28 (Mon) Pre-implantation mammalian development and derivation of embryonic stem cells (HS) [html] [pdf]

08 Jan 31 (Wed) Transgenic mice in the study of head induction and development (HS) [html] [pdf]

09 Feb 04 (Mon) Early vertebrate development: axis determination and gastrulation (LD) [pdf of ppt slides] [pdf covering all three LD lectures]

10 Feb 06 (Wed) Formation of the germ layers - molecular biology of mesoderm induction (LD) [pdf of ppt slides]

10 Feb 11 (Mon) Neural induction and head development (LD) [pdf of ppt slides]

11 Feb 13 (Wed) Vertebrate HOM genes (WR) [reading: Wolpert 2nd ed pp 116-124 and Gilbert 8th ed pp 361-364]

12 Feb 18 (Mon) Vertebrate limb/ wing development (WR) [reading: Wolpert 2nd ed Chapter 10 and Gilbert 8th ed Chapter 16]

13 Feb 20 (Wed) Pattern and cell type specification in the vertebrate CNS (NP) [html] [pdf of ppt slides]

14 Feb 25 (Mon) Wiring the CNS: axon guidance in flies and mammals (MF) [html] [pdf]

15 Feb 27 (Wed) Branching morphogenesis: a common theme in organogenesis (MF) [html] [pdf]

16 Mar 03 (Mon) Vascular development (MF)[html] [pdf]

17 Mar 05 (Wed) Mammalian sex determination (HS) [html] [pdf]

18 Mar 10 (Mon) Sex in model systems (HS) [html] [pdf]

19 Mar 12 (Wed) Development and ageing I (DG) [pdf of powerpoint presentation] [pdf of handout]

20 Mar 17 (Mon) Development and ageing II (DG)

21 Mar 19 (Wed) Revision and Essay feedback


HS - Dr Hazel Smith (Biology/WIBR) x 4-6733

WR - Prof Bill Richardson (Biology/WIBR) x 4-6729

LD - Dr Leslie Dale (Anatomy and Dev Biol) x 3-3061

DG – Dr David Gems (Biology) x 3-4381

NP - Dr Nigel Pringle (Biology/WIBR) x 4-6736

MF - Dr Marcus Fruttiger (Biology/Inst of Ophthalmology) x 020 7608 6872

Recommended texts

1. "Principles of Development" (2nd edition 2002) by Lewis Wolpert and others (Current Biology Ltd, Oxford University Press) approx 30. Copies available in the DMS Watson library. This is a well-illustrated book written at an appropriate level – recommended.

2. "Developmental Biology" (8th edition 2006) by Scott Gilbert (Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland Massachuetts). This is an excellent book that covers more ground in more detail than Wolpert's book, and costs a little more (approx 40 from Waterstones). Copies are available in the DMS Watson library. It comes with a CD and also has an associated web site. If you decide to stick with Developmental Biology in the third year, this will see you through. If not, you can always sell it on to next year's 2nd year group.

3. "Molecular Biology of the Cell " (4th edition 2002) by Alberts et al. (Garland Publishing Inc. NY and London). Most of you will have this book already (if not, you should have); it is used in several other courses in all three years. Chapter 15 "Cell communication", Chapter 17 "The cell cycle and programmed cell death", Chapter 20 "Germ cells and fertilization" and Chapter 21 "Development of multicellular organisms" are of particular relevance to this course.

This course will be assessed 85% by final examination, 15% by coursework essay. The format of the exam is "answer FOUR questions in three hours", out of a choice of NINE questions. Each question is in the form of an essay, or short notes on a choice of topics (e.g. two out of three choices). [2001 exam] [2002 exam] [2003 exam] [2004 exam] [2005 exam] [2006 exam][2007 exam]

General guidance on reading/revision/examination technique

Start by reading the relevant sections of Alberts et al (MBC), Wolpert (Principles of Development) and/or Gilbert (Developmental Biology) (see above). Then read one or more of the REVIEW ARTICLES recommended by the lecturer. Only if you feel compelled by curiosity and have time is it necessary to delve through the original research articles. In general, if in the examination you cover all the main points discussed in the lecture and demonstrate understanding as well as recall, this will be sufficient for a 2:1 mark. To gain a first class mark (>70%) you will also need to demonstrate that you have read outside of the lecture notes - this means including facts/discussion in your exam answer that could only have come from extra reading. REMEMBER - diagrams are invaluable; use them whenever they would be helpful. Apart from anything else, it is very tiring for the examiners to have to read close-packed lines of scribbles, when a simple diagram with a brief description would do the job.

The examiners are not necessarily looking for examples of perfect prose in your essay answers. This is not a course in English Literature. However, a WELL-ORGANIZED essay is a good essay. Start off by making a few notes at the top of the page to help you remember the main points you want to cover and arrange them in a logical order. Time spent at this planning stage is well-spent. Keep calm, with an eye on the clock. It is often better to leave an answer unfinished and move on to the next one if you are running out of time - return to it at the end if you can. It is better to have four partially completed answers than only three comprehensive answers. Of course, it is even better to have four comprehensive answers!

Some related web sites:

Virtual Embryo

Amphibian Embryology Tutorial

Tree of Life

Texas Memorial Museum

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