Name : 996  (complete designation 996/1/10/45)                               monoclonal anti MUC2

Isotype : IgG1, k chain

Literature references :
Price MR, Sekowski M, Ladanyi A, Uray K, Ma Y, Durrant L, Tendler SJ  Immune recognition of human colonic-tumour-associated MUC-2 mucins using an anti-peptide antibody.  Int J Cancer 1993 Nov 11;55(5):753-9

Origin, source : BALB/c mice were immunised with a MUC2  KLH cojugated peptide (KVTPTPTPTGTQTPT) located in the hydrophilic region of the tandem repeat .

Specificity : Epitope mapping studies have shown that the 996 antibody recognises the TGTQ epitope. Further studies showed that the Glutamine (Q) residue is essential for the recognision of the epitope by the 996 antibody.

Cross-reactivity : 996 antibody doen not cross react with a peptide from the Tandem repeat of the MUC3 mucin.

Binding Assays : Protease susceptibility has been tested on plates. Using the membrane associated antigen isolated by affinity chromatography  from colonic tumor showed that the 996 activity was lost after treatement with papain but not after pepsin. Trypsin an dchymotrypsin treatment reduced the 996 activity but not completely.

Radioisotopic antiglobulin Assays: The 996 monoclonal antibody binds strongly to membrane associated antigen isolated by affinity chromatography from colonic tumor, weaker reactivity was observed with antigen isolated from the cytplasm of colonic tumor.

Lectin absorption  Assays: The experiments have shown that adsortion of the membrane associated antigen isolated by affinity chromatography  from colonic tumor by the Concanavalin A reduced significantly the 996 antibody activity (more than 90%). Lower redution of the 996 activity was observed with the wheat germ agglutinin and  Lentil lectin.

Immunoblotting  : The 996 antibody recognises a hight molecular weight protein a approx 200kDa  from membrane associated antigen isolated by affinity chromatography  from colonic tumor

Results from Filipe et al publication:
Positive tissues Negative tissues:
Intestinal metaplasia  in dysplatic lesions )
Normal  antral gastric mucosa

Other publications using the antibody :
Price MR, Sekowski M, Hooi DS, Durrant LG, Hudecz F, Tendler SJ Measurement of antibody binding to antigenic peptides conjugated in situ to albumin-coated microtitre plates.  J Immunol Methods 1993 Feb 26;159(1-2):277-81

Durrant LG, Jacobs E, Price MR  Production of monoclonal antibodies recognising the peptide core of MUC2 intestinal mucin.  Eur J Cancer 1994;30A(3):355-63

Filipe MI, Linehan JM, Durrant LG, Price MR, Smeeton NC, Pathak S, Swallow DM  Expression of a peptide epitope of the colonic mucin MUC2 in precursor lesions to gastric carcinoma  Eur J Cancer Prev 1996 Aug;5(4):287-95