CPC Launch Event Workshop


Many thanks to all who attended. The event was a great success. Please find photos and slides from the event here.

Working in partnership with the Metropolitan Police, UCL is beginning a 3.5-year EPSRC-funded research project that will address crime, policing and citizen engagement (CPC) at a range of spatial and temporal scales. As part of the RCUK Global Uncertainties Programme, this research will draw upon a range of disciplines (crime science, geoinformatics, geography and computer science) to engineer effective practical solutions to crime problems using concepts from network complexity and advanced techniques for integrated spatio-temporal data mining.

This project launch workshop presented many of the initial ideas and directions of the research. It also provided a forum to discuss the themes of crime, policing, citizen engagement, network complexity, and spatio-temporal data mining that will underpin the work. Contributions were encouraged from interested parties in government, industry and academia in order to further the project outcomes. The event was also used to launch the EPSRC ‘Uncertainty of Identity’ grant between UCL, City and Birmingham Universities.

Prof Dirk Helbing from ETH Zürich gave a keynote address on “Modelling and Simulation of Social Phenomena”.

This event was free, with places allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Organised by:

Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), Computer Science, Crime Science, and Geography, University College London

MPS GIS Services, Directorate of Information, Metropolitan Police Service

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