UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science
Research is conducted across several institutes and research groups focusing on new ways to cut crime and increase security, drawing upon UCL's vast experience in related disciplines, including architecture, economics, engineering, geography, medicine, psychology, statistics and town planning.
Our teaching is conducted through the UCL Department of Security and Crime Science, which offers a broad range of qualifications which cater to students, academics, and practitioners alike including formal undergraduates degrees, taught master's courses, and PhD programmes.
We also offer a number of continuing professional development short courses aimed at police, community safety partnership (CSP) analysts, researchers and information officers.
Listen to this podcast interview with Professors Wortley, Laycock and Morgan: recorded to mark the 20th anniversary of Jill Dando's murder in April 2019. In the same month, an event was held at the Royal Society in London to remember Jill Dando and to celebrate her legacy - the JDI. You can watch a recording of this event on UCL's YouTube channel.