Christos Bechlavinidis

Christos Bechlivanidis

Research Interests

My main research area is the role of causation in perception, learning and reasoning. I am mostly interested in the relationship between perceptual judgements of causation and judgements of time. What happens when assumed causes take place after their effects? Can the causal interpretation of the environment distort the order in which events are represented in the mind?

I am also interested in the way people generate and evaluate explanations and, in particular, the role of abstraction in everyday explanations.


Bechlivanidis, C., Schlottmann, A., Lagnado, D.A. (2019) Causation Without Realism Journal Of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(5), 785-804

Tecwyn, E., Bechlivanidis, C., Lagnado, D., Hoerl, C., Lorimer, S., Blakey, E., McCormack, T., Buehner, M. (2019). Causality Influences Children's and Adults' Experience of Temporal Order. preprint

Bechlivanidis, C., Lagnado, D.A., Zemla, J.C. & Sloman, S. (2017) Concreteness and abstraction in everyday explanation Psychonomic Bulletic & Review [pdf]

Zemla, J.C., Sloman, S., Bechlivanidis, C. & Lagnado, D.A. (2017) Evaluating everyday explanations Psychonomic Bulletic & Review [pdf]

Bechlivanidis, C. & Lagnado, D. (2016). Time Reordered: Causal perception Guides the Interpretation of Temporal Order Cognition, 146, 58-66. [pdf]

Bechlivanidis, C. & Lagnado, D. (2013). Does the “why” tell us the “when”? Psychological Science, 24, 1563-1572.[pdf]

Gerstenberg, T., Bechlivanidis, C. & Lagnado, D. A. (2013). Back on track: Backtracking in counterfactual reasoning. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. [pdf]


Christos Bechlivanidis
Senior Teaching Fellow
Department of Experimental Psychology
University College London, UK
E-mail: ucjtcbe at ucl . ac . uk