The miliolines have tests that are porcelaneous and imperforate, made of high Mg-calcite with fine, randomly oriented crystals. They range from the Carboniferous to the Holocene, and the larger forms occur in one of four superfamilies. For images of the Miliolina follow the links below, but for a fuller discussion of Larger Benthic Foraminifera see: EVOLUTION AND GEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF LARGER BENTHIC FORAMINIFERA by M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (Click here to order via Amazon.)

Lacazina sp., Cenomanian, India






Eoophthalmidium tricki Langer, Paratype figured by Langer (1968) from the Middle Triassic of Turkey






Austrotrillina asmariensis Adams, Oligocene, Kirkuk, Iraq







Praerhapydionina delicata Henson, Oligocene, Buff calcarenites, Jamaica