Newt Gingrich, "Where We Go From Here," 1995

From The Congressional Record, 104th Congress, 1st Session. April 7, 1995, available through Thomas--U.S. Congress on the Internet (


The Coming Debate: Is not about just the Budget. It is about America's Future. It is about the Doing the Right Thing. It is about an opportunity to create the potential for prosperity, safety and a better life for virtually every American. It will take hard systematic work and real change, but it can be done and it will improve our lives and our children's lives.

Doing the Right Thing' Means:

Being Truly Compassionate by replacing the Welfare State with an Opportunity Society.
Restoring Freedom by ending Centralized Bureaucratic Micromanagement.
Promoting Prosperity, Economic Growth, and Take Home Pay by Reducing Taxes, Litigation and Regulation.
Creating Opportunity for every American by Leading the Transformation to a Third Wave, Information Age Society.
Creating a Safe Future for Our Children and Our Retirement Years by Balancing the Budget and Solving the Financial Crises in funding Medicare and Social Security.

The Majority Party in American Politics Is Responsible for Leading the Civic Discussion About the American Idea. It is our Moral Responsibility. The Majority Party must lead a New Dialogue to achieve the needed changes. That New Dialogue will lead to a New Partnership with the American People. Through our New Dialogue, we can change Today's Public Opinion into Tomorrow's Public Judgment. . . .

If we Fulfill our Destiny, we'll achieve: Our Vision of a 21st Century America.

Every American safe from violence and drugs. Every person will be integrated into the world of work, property, and achievement. A healthy environment will be managed through sound science and a common sense, effective and economical approach. New technologies and new approaches will extend opportunities in learning, health and jobs to the poorest rural and inner-city neighborhoods. Government will be lean, customer responsive and effective. A Renewed American Civilization with a renewed understanding of `Our Creator', our traditions and our institutions and in voluntary and non-profit charities and activities. The best system of health in the world. Effective lifetime learning. New technologies and approaches to create the fullest possible participation of every American with disabilities. A pro-entrepreneur, pro-science and technology, pro-savings and investment America that is inventing the best products with the highest values in the world. Job opportunities for every American with the greatest value-added, highest productivity, largest incomes and best job security in the world as the best exporting country that creates American jobs through world sales. Low taxes so incomes translate into take home pay and the family budget has precedence over the government budget. A regularly balanced federal budget with declining national debt so money will maintain honest value without inflation, taxes to pay interest will be declining and interest rates will be low.

The Time for Cheating our Children has Ended. The Time to Balance the Budget has Arrived. America's Future requires a New Dialogue and a New Partnership with the American People.