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WebForum 18 June 2003

Cruciform Building Lecture Theatre 2

In response to suggestions, the programme for this meeting has been split into "like" subjects either side of the tea break to allow members to choose whether they wish to attend for all or part of the programme. The first session continues the CMS/Zope theme. The post-tea session is of more general interest and marks the return of an outside speaker - we're pleased to welcome Liz Carr from Imperial who is sure to provide a fascinating insight into how others have "done it". The second session also includes a look at how Faculty Information Support Officers (FISOs) are supporting Web developments. We hope the format will prove popular, but please email Rachel (see below) if you have further suggestions.


Time Talk
2.00 - 2.30 UCL documents online: UPC, PIQ and Programme Specs made easy
Marco Federighi (Sub-Dean, Faculty of Engineering Sciences)
2.30 - 3.00 UCL Templates in Zope: A Preview
David Gillies (Web Support Officer (Content Management), UCL Web Unit)
3.00 - 3.30 TEA - Please note that you may wish to bring your own drink with you as, with regret, on this occasion refreshments will not be provided by the UCL Web Unit as the Cruciform cafe will be holding a large event all day. The cafe will be open during the break but please note that you may find it busy given the above. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
3.30 - 4.00 One for all, and all for one: the Imperial website comes of age
Liz Carr (Communications Manager, Imperial College)
4.00 - 4.30 Departmental websites: How FISOs can help
Helen Newton (FISO, Faculty of Mathematical & Physical Sciences)

Please ensure that you let Rachel Port know if you will be coming and do tell others about WebForum if you think they may be interested.

Updated by WebSupport on 10 June 2003

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