
UCL Institute of the Americas


Publication of the French translation of The Condor Trials

24 September 2024

The translation of the multiple award-winning book The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America (Yale University Press, 2022).

Book cover - map of south america in black and red made up of photos of people

Dr Francesca Lessa's book Le plan Condor en procès: Répression sans frontières et crimes contre l’humanité en Amérique du Sud was published on September 5. This is the French translation of the multiple award-winning book The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America (Yale University Press, 2022). The book was published by Editions Syllepse and was officially launched in Paris on September 17 and 18.

The book won the 2023 Juan E. Méndez Book Award for Human Rights in Latin America (Duke University) and the 2024 Premio Iberoamericano Book Award of the Latin American Studies Association.