
UCL Anthropocene



The Anthropocene is the name for a proposed geological epoch, but it also marks a series of emergencies and unpredictable events which UCL researchers are working to articulate and address together. UCL Anthropocene works as a virtual school by assembling projects, people, courses, and events from across the social sciences, arts, humanities, life, environmental, and health sciences to articulate and address the problems that the Anthropocene poses for our collective future.
image of BT Tower from UCL campus

About Us

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UCL Anthropocene Chemical Exposures group on Hampstead Heath


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blue anthropocene


Discover the centres, projects and initiatives led by members of UCL Anthropocene

students sat outside Marshgate campus


Discover courses and modules at UCL related to the Anthropocene

image of Portico


Find out about our upcoming and past event recordings

two people browsing books in the LSE library


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The images below feature artworks made by UCL artists engaging with the Anthropocene. Click on the artist for further information.