
Institute of Archaeology


Project Bibliography

Archaeological team searching for copper ore samples in Jarmovac (Majdan) for experimental smelting in March 2013 © Jugoslav Pendić

Select Bibliography

  • Borić, D. 2009. Absolute dating of metallurgical innovations in the Vinča culture of the Balkans, in: T.L. Kienlin & B.W. Roberts (ed.) Metals and Societies. Studies in honour of Barbara S. Ottaway: 191-245. Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH.
  • Chapman, J. 1981. Vinča Culture of South-East Europe: Studies in Chronology, Economy and Society. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, BAR International Series 117.
  • Chernykh, E.N. 1978. Aibunar - a Balkan copper mine of the fourth millennium BC. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 44: 203-17.
  • Čović, B. 1961. Rezultati sondiranja na preistorijskom naselju u Gornjoj Tuzli. Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja (Sarajevo) 15-16: 79-139.
  • Davies, O. 1937. Ancient mining in the central Balkans. Revue Internationale des Etudes Balkaniques 1: 405-18.
  • Gimbutas, M. (ed.) 1976. Neolithic Macedonia as reflected by excavations at Anza, Los Angeles, Institute of Archaeology, University of California.
  • Goleanu, A., Marian, A., Gligor, M., Florescu, C. & Varvara, S. 2005. Chemical and structural features of the neolithic ceramics from Vinţa, Lumea Noua and Petresti cultures (Roumania). Revue Roumaine De Chimie 50, 939-949.
  • Grbić, M. 1929. Pločnik, eine Prähistorische Ansiedlung aus der Kupferzeit. Belgrade: Nationalmuseum Belgrad.
  • Jacanović, D. & D. Šljivar 2003. Preliminary reports on archaeological research from 1998 to 2002, Veliko Laole, Belovode (in Serbian). Viminacium 13-14: 297-302.
  • Jovanović, B. 1980. The origins of copper mining in Europe. Scientific American 242: 152-67.
  • Jovanović, B. 1994. Gradac Phase in the relative chronology of the late Vinča culture. Starinar (new series) 43-44: 1-12.
  • Kaiser, T. and Voytek, B. 1983. Sedentism and economic change in the Balkan Neolithic. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 2: 323-353.
  • Kaiser, T. 1986. Pyrotechnology and pottery in the Late Neolithic of the Balkans. Paper presented at the 24th International Archaeometry Symposium.
  • Kuzmanović-Cvetković, J. 1998. Prokuplje, grad sv. Prokopija. Prokuplje: Narodni muzej Toplice.
  • Miller, H.L. 2007. Archaeological approaches to technology. Amsterdam/London: Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Pernicka, E., F. Begemann & S. Schmitt-Strecker 1993. Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age copper artefacts from the Balkans and their relation to Serbian copper ores. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 68: 1-54.
  • Pernicka, E., F. Begemann, S. Schmitt-Strecker, H. Todorova & I. Kuleff 1997. Prehistoric copper in Bulgaria. Its composition and provenance. Eurasia Antiqua 3: 41-180.
  • Radivojević, M., Rehren, Th., Kuzmanović-Cvetković, J., Jovanović, M. and Northover, P. (forthcoming) Tainted ores and the rise of tin bronzes in Eurasia, c. 6500 years ago. Antiquity.
  • Radivojević, M., T. Rehren, E. Pernicka, D. Šljivar, M. Brauns & D. Borić 2010. On the origins of extractive metallurgy: new evidence from Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 2775-87.
  • Renfrew, C. 1969. The autonomy of the south-east European Copper Age. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 35: 12-47.
  • Roberts, B.W., C.P. Thornton & V.C. Pigott 2009. Development of metallurgy in Eurasia. Antiquity 83: 1012-22.
  • Šljivar, D. 1993-2009. Belovode field excavation diaries. Belgrade: Project Archives, National Museum Belgrade.
  • Šljivar, D. 1996. The Eastern settlement of the Vinča culture at Pločnik: a relationship of its stratigraphy to the hoards of copper objects. Starinar 47: 85-98.
  • Šljivar, D. 1999. Pločnik, naselje vinčanske kulture i problem najranije metalurgije bakra, in: D. Marinković (ed.) Prokuplje u Praistoriji, Antici i Srednjem veku: 31-44. Prokuplje: Archaeological Institute Belgrade and Museum of Toplica.
  • Šljivar, D. 2006. The earliest copper metallurgy in the Balkans. Metalurgija-Journal of Metallurgy 12: 93-104.
  • Šljivar, D. & D. Jacanović 1996a. Veliko Laole-Belovode, the settlement of the culture of Vinča. Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society 12: 55-60.
  • Šljivar, D. & D. Jacanović 1996b. Veliko Laole, Belovode- Vinča culture settlement in northeastern Serbia. Préhistorie Européene 8: 175-88.
  • Šljivar, D. & D. Jacanović 1997. Veliko Laole- Belovode, the settlement of the Vinča culture. Journal of Serbian Archaeological Society 13: 115-25.
  • Šljivar, D., D. Jacanović & J. Kuzmanović-Cvetković. 2006. New contributions regarding the copper metallurgy in the Vinča culture, in: N. Tasić & C. Grozdanov (ed.) Homage to Milutin Garašanin: 251-66. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  • Šljivar, D. & J. Kuzmanović-Cvetković 1997. Pločnik near Prokuplje, the Vinča culture settlement. Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society 13: 103-13.
  • Šljivar, D. & J. Kuzmanović-Cvetković 1998a. Najstarija metalurgija bakra na Pločniku kod Prokuplja, naselju vinčanske kulture. Arheometalurgija (Belgrade) 6: 1-18.
  • Šljivar, D. & J. Kuzmanović-Cvetković 1998b. Pločnik near Prokuplje, excavation in 1997. Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society 14: 79-85.
  • Stalio, B. 1960. Pločnik-Prokuplje-naselje. Arheološki pregled (Belgrade) 2: 33-6.
  • Stalio, B. 1962. Pločnik, Prokuplje- naselje vinčanske grupe. Arheološki pregled (Belgrade) 4: 19-25.
  • Stalio, B. 1964. Novi metalni nalaz iz Pločnika kod Prokuplja. Zbornik Narodnog Muzeja (Belgrade) 4: 35-41.
  • Stalio, B. 1973. Četvrti nalaz bakarnog i kamenog oruđa sa Pločnika kod Prokuplja. Zbornik Narodnog Muzeja (Belgrade) 7: 157-61.
  • Todorova, H. 1981. Die kupferzeitlichen Äxte und Beile in Bulgarien. München: C. H. Beck, Prähistorische Bronzefunde 9/14.