
Institute of Archaeology


Themes and Debates in Egyptian Archaeology

The module explores major themes and debates in Egyptian archaeology, aiming to expand them by relating Egyptian evidence to research agendas from wider archaeology, history and social anthropology.

Egyptian wall painting with hieroglyphs

This module explores current themes and debates in Egyptian archaeology, aiming to expand them by relating Egyptian evidence to research agendas from wider archaeology, history and social anthropology.

Topics include the multi-dimensional analysis of Egyptian burial practices, models of social organisation as well as approaches evolving around concepts of agency and identity.
See the module handbook below for more information on individual sessions, bibliography, assessment methods, deadlines and electronic resources.

Module Aims

The aims of the module are:
•    to facilitate understanding of social-cultural mechanisms and trajectories of Egyptian society in a long-term perspective
•    to integrate Egyptology with debates in the wider social and cultural sciences
•    to advance critical engagement with disciplinary reconstructions of the past
•    to define innovative research designs in the context of ancient Egypt.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students should be able to:
•    be familiar with analytical approaches relevant for understanding early complex societies
•    critically assess the potential and the challenges of evidence from Ancient Egypt for understanding early complex civilizations
•    apply research models of the social and cultural sciences to data from ancient Egypt
•    combine texts, images and other material culture within coherent frameworks of interpretation
•    assess reasonably and critically multiple sources
•    use library/archival facilities independently and competently
•    solve problems based on real data sets
•    produce reasoned and structured arguments supported by relevant evidence
•    make effective and appropriate use of various forms of visual presentation.

Teaching Methods

The module is taught through a series of ten two-hour thematic seminar sessions.

Module information

  • Code: ARCL0147  
  • Credits: 15
  • Coordinator: Claudia Naeser
  • Prerequisite: This module is only available to those with relevant background. Please contact Claudia Naeser (c.naeser@ucl.ac.uk) to check before enrolling for the module. 
  • Handbook: open

For registered students


  • Running in 2024-25