
Institute of Archaeology


Lithic Technology

This module introduces students to the analysis of stone tools in theory and practice.


Issues of raw material variability, technology, typology and functional analysis will be considered. Key themes include:

  • the chaîne opératoire and the analysis of technology;
  • typological approaches to stone tool analysis;
  • approaches to the functional analysis of stone tools;
  • the relationship between technology, form and function.

Special attention will be given to Middle and Upper Palaeolithic assemblages (of Europe, the Near East and Africa), although Mesolithic, Neolithic and later material will also be considered. There is a strong practical element to the module.

Module information

  • Code: ARCL0055
  • Credits: 15
  • Coordinator: Mark Roberts
  • Handbook: 

For registered students

  • Reading list:


  • Not running in 2024-25