
History of Art


Performance and Labour Symposium

Anti-Capitalist Flamenco Protest

9.30am-6pm, Saturday 3 November 2012
Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre, Roberts Building, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE

This symposium is an interdisciplinary event that will address performance in an expanded sense as a form of labour. Performance will be considered as an activity and a practice that takes place both within and outside the realm of art. The symposium will interrogate the physical and intellectual experiences  of viewing and producing performances. These questions will be raised across the fields of art history, philosophy, performance studies, political economy, theatre and dance. Addressed in this expanded way, the aim of the symposium is to investigate the histories of mass performances and social choreographies in political contexts, to situate performance as a form of praxis and to interrogate the language of performance as a managerial strategy within late capitalism.

The symposium is organised by Larne Abse Gogarty and Josefine Wikström with support from the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University London, and the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Art, History of Art Department, University College London.

The symposium is free, but registration is required.

Programme for the event (pdf)