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A Taste of Russian History

Peter the Great

Russian tsar Peter the Great loved sailing. When he visited England in 1698 he learned a lot about shipbuilding and navy. On his return to Russia a large shipbuilding industry was established there to enable the country to become a successful navy power.

While in England the Russian tsar and his companions stayed at a house in Deptford belonging to the writer and diarist, John Evelyn. Large and beautifully furnished, it was close to the dockyards, where Peter could easily visit ships being built. He was especially keen to study the drawing of ship plans. After their stay the King's Surveyor, Sir Christopher Wren was ordered to report on a damage to the house, and recommended that the owner of the house Evelyn be paid 350 pounds in compensation, a huge sum in the 17th century.

Why do you think he recommended this? Find out more >>

What did Peter the Great look like?

Finding out more

Historical Anecdotes about Peter the Great at www.abcgallery.com/list/2002feb01.html

Questions and Answers

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