
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Rosa Sulley

Rosa Sulley
Before I studied Environment and Sustainable Development at UCL, I studied Geography at the University of Cambridge. The courses I studied whilst in my final year at Cambridge led me to develop a real interest in the interface between the natural and political, and the importance of political ecology in development and sustainability. As a result, I came straight from my undergraduate course to the Masters programme. I spent the summer in between the courses working for a local sustainability charity in the town where I grew up in Leicestershire, and I have since done work experience with the chief executive’s team at the Environment Agency.
The Master’s course gave me an amazing opportunity to become involved in the practical application of the theories I was learning, both at UCL and Cambridge. The structure of the programme allowed me to specialise in an area I was really interested in - urban water access, which I explored through optional modules, the field trip to Lima and in my dissertation. I always felt stimulated and challenged during the course, and there was always opportunity to tailor my learning to something I was interested in - whether this was in essays or class discussions and presentations.
Towards the end of the programme I was offered a job as a Research Consultant at Regeneris Consulting in London. They are an economic development consultancy who focus on urban development and regeneration across the UK. Since working there I have used the skills learnt in the Master’s course to ensure regeneration has a positive economic and social impact across London.
Taking the Masters’ has been beneficial for me in a number of ways. It has opened the door to a job and career I love and I’m passionate about, I made lifelong friends who share my enthusiasm for development, sustainability and cities, and it enabled me to deepen my knowledge and develop my ability to think critically. For this, I am really grateful.