1651 results
An Assessment of Opportunities for Low Carbon Growth in Kenya
An Assessment of Opportunities for Low Carbon Growth in Kenya. 1 January 2009. An Assessment of Opportunities for Low Carbon Growth in Kenya. Pye, ST; Watkiss, P; Dyszynski, J; Mutimba, S; Sang, J; (2009). The full text of this article is not…
UCL Energy Institute
The transition handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience
The transition handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience. 1 January 2009. The transition handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience. ENERG POLICY , 37 (4) 1585 - 1585. 10.1016/j.enpol.2008.12.001.…
UCL Energy Institute
Beeinflussen Spekulanten den Ölpreis?
Beeinflussen Spekulanten den Ölpreis? 1 January 2009. Spekulanten sahen sich in den letzten Jahren vermehrt der Kritik ausgesetzt, den Ölpreis massiv zu be-einflussen und Schuld am rasanten Ölpreisanstieg bis Mitte 2008 zu sein. Als Gründe…
UCL Energy Institute
Conclusions: Europe's Lessons from Carbon-Energy Taxation
Conclusions: Europe's Lessons from Carbon-Energy Taxation. 1 January 2009. Conclusions: Europe’s Lessons from Carbon-Energy Taxation. In: Andersen, MS and Ekins, P, (eds.) Carbon-Energy Taxation: Lessons from Europe. (256 - 281). Oxford…
UCL Energy Institute
The Rationale for and Economic Implications of Dematerialisation
The Rationale for and Economic Implications of Dematerialisation. 1 January 2009. The Rationale for and Economic Implications of Dematerialisation. In: Bleischwitz, R and Welfens, Pand KhongXiang, Z, (eds.) Sustainable Growth and Resource…
UCL Energy Institute
Wall area, volume and plan depth in the building stock
Wall area, volume and plan depth in the building stock. 1 January 2009. Wall area, volume and plan depth in the building stock. Building Research and Information , 37 (5-6) 455 - 467. 10.1080/09613210903152531. Steadman, P; Evans, S; Batty, M; (2009…
UCL Energy Institute
Reducing the Impacts of the Production and Trade in Commodities
Reducing the Impacts of the Production and Trade in Commodities. 1 January 2009. Reducing the Impacts of the Production and Trade in Commodities. In: Voituriez, T andEkins, P, (eds.) Trade, Globalization, and Sustainability Impact Assessment: A…
UCL Energy Institute
Unsere Wirtschaft ist zu fett - Entschlackung tut not
Unsere Wirtschaft ist zu fett - Entschlackung tut not. 1 January 2009. Unsere Wirtschaft ist zu fett - Entschlackung tut not. In: Umwälzung der Erde : Konflikte um Ressourcen ; Jahrbuch Ökologie 2010. (139 - 146). Hirzel: Stuttgart. Bleischwitz, R;…
UCL Energy Institute
Outline of a resource policy and its economic dimension
Outline of a resource policy and its economic dimension. 1 January 2009. Outline of a resource policy and its economic dimension. In:Stefan Bringezu,, (ed.) Sustainable resource management : global trends, visions and policies. (216 - 296). Greenleaf…
UCL Energy Institute
Backcasting policies for carbon reduction in the UK energy system.
Backcasting policies for carbon reduction in the UK energy system. 1 January 2009. Backcasting policies for carbon reduction in the UK energy system. In: (Proceedings) The Climate Change Congress. Anandarajah, G; Ekins, P; (2009). The full text of…
UCL Energy Institute