1651 results
The big rollover
The big rollover. 1 January 2008. The big rollover. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN, 35 (6) 949 - 955. Steadman, P; (2008).…
UCL Energy Institute
Introduction and overview
Introduction and overview. 1 January 2008. Introduction and overview. In: UNSPECIFIED (1 - 7). Carstensen, PC; Farmer, SB; (2008). The full text of this article is not available through UCL Discovery.…
UCL Energy Institute
Removing the Perverse Incentive
Removing the Perverse Incentive. 1 January 2008. Removing the Perverse Incentive. King's College London, London. Ekins, P; (2008). The full text of this article is not available through UCL Discovery.…
UCL Energy Institute
Introduction to the Special Issue
Introduction to the Special Issue. 1 January 2008. Introduction to the Special Issue. European Environment , 18 59 - 62. Ekins, P; (2008). The full text of this article is not available through UCL Discovery.…
UCL Energy Institute
Bygninger, energi, klima
Bygninger, energi, klima. 1 January 2008. Beskriver et nyt paradigme der tager hensyn til at bygningers elforbrug siden 70'erne er vokset og varmeforbruget er faldet samtidig med at klimaændringer øger behovet for køling og mindsker behovet…
UCL Energy Institute
Bygninger, energi, klima
Bygninger, energi, klima. 1 January 2008. Beskriver et nyt paradigme der tager hensyn til at bygningers elforbrug siden 70'erne er vokset og varmeforbruget er faldet samtidig med at klimaændringer øger behovet for køling og mindsker behovet…
UCL Energy Institute
Low-Carbon Society (LCS) modelling
Low-Carbon Society (LCS) modelling. 1 January 2008. Low-Carbon Society (LCS) modelling. CLIM POLICY , 8 S3-S4. Strachan, N; Foxon, T; Fujino, J; (2008).…
UCL Energy Institute
Environmental and Behavioural Taxes
Environmental and Behavioural Taxes. 1 January 2008. Environmental and Behavioural Taxes. In: Wales, C, (ed.) Fair Taxes: Towards a Modern Tax System. (64 - 73). Smith Institute: London. Ekins, P; (2008). The full text of this article is not…
UCL Energy Institute
The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. 1 January 2008. The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager is a pair of interferometer arrays operating with six frequency channels spanning 13.9-18.2 GHz, with very high sensitivity to angular scales 30''-10'. The telescope…
UCL Energy Institute
Transition to a low carbon economy
Transition to a low carbon economy. 1 January 2008. Fundamental changes to the UK economy will be required to meet the greenhouse gas emission targets of the Climate Change Act (2008). This POSTnote examines UK emission trends since 1990 and…
UCL Energy Institute