
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Director's Seminar: Migration, Globalisation, Work and Poverty

24 October 2019, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm


The IGP welcomes Professor Christian Dustmann (UCL) to give a Director's Seminar.

Event Information

Open to





Annelise Andersen

The lecture will start with stylised facts on recent international trends in migration and the composition of migrant populations. We will next discuss how migrations can affect the economies of receiving countries, and how the economic effects of immigration can be measured, providing several examples. We will then ask how much economic considerations actually matter for the way people assess immigration policy. We will look at research that investigates how majority popukations form their views about migration and migration policies, and what the drivers are for people's attitudes towards migration.

The Speaker

Professor Christian Dustmann, UCL

Christian Dustmann is Professor of Economics at University College London. He is also the founding Director of the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration. He is the current president of the Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE), and was the President of the European Society of Labour Economists (EALE) in 2017 and President of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) in 2008. Professor Dustmann is an elected Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), the Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), and the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE). He is a leading labour economist and his work in areas such as migration, the economics of education, inequality, the economics of crime, and the economics of labour markets have appeared in academic journals including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, and the Review of Economic Studies. He regularly advises government bodies, international organizations, and the media on current policy issues.