
The Bartlett School of Planning


BSP Public Lectures

The Bartlett School of Planning (BSP) holds public lectures regularly throughout the academic year. Speakers are drawn from across the world to showcase recent ideas and research.

Audience at Bartlett Planning public lecture in May 2023

All are welcome. Each lecture begins and 6pm and is followed by a drinks reception. More information, including location will be published in advance of each lecture.

2024-25 Public Lecture Schedule

17 October 2024 | Community land trusts in England: from movement to model
Speaker: Dr Tom Moore (Univerity of Liverpool)
Register your place

21 November 2024 | Urban design and master planning 
Dan Ringelstein (Arup)
Registration link to follow

23 January 2025 | Values in planning 
Speakers: Hugh Ellis and Kathy Lock (TCPA)
Registration link to follow

13 March 2025 | Event topic TBC
Speaker: Professor Catalina Turcu (UCL) 
Registration link to follow

22 May 2025 | Planning and infrastructure in the North East
Speaker: Kim McGuinness (North East Mayor)
Registration link to follow

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Past Lectures

View more information and recordings of each event below.

2023-24 (convened by Professor Nick Gallent)

23 May 2024
Prof Flora Samuel (Cambridge University)
Housing for hope and wellbeing
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

14 March 2024
Speaker: Catriona Riddell (Catriona Riddell & Associates Ltd)
Strategic planning in England: where did we go so wrong?
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

25 January 2024
Speaker: Prof Rachel Franklin (Newcastle University)
Spatial Inequality and the Smart City with Prof. Rachel Franklin
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

30 November 2023
Speaker: Dr Declan Redmond (University College Dublin)
Putting the Blame on Planning: Housing Crisis and Reform in Ireland
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

26 October 2023
Speaker: Franklin Obeng-Odoom (University of Helsinki)
BSP Public Lecture: Towards a Just Ecological Political Economy
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

2022-23 (convened by Professor Nick Gallent)

25 May 2023
Speaker: Margaret Crawford (UC Berkeley)
Everyday Urbanism and Planners
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

2 February 2023
Speaker: Claire Colomb (The Bartlett School of Planning)
Topic: Regulating short-term rental housing in the age of digital platforms. Social conflicts, urban governance and regulatory enforcement in European cities.
Event information
N.B. The recording of this lecture will be available after the publication of the referenced research.

1 December 2022
Speaker: Francesco Chiodelli (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Topic: The production of informal space
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

27 October 2022
Speaker: Tuna Tasan Kok (University of Amsterdam)
Topic: Rethinking property-led planning through spatial governance landscapes
Event information
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2021 - 2022 (convened by Professor Nick Gallent)

26 May 2022
Sharon Zukin (Brooklyn College/ CUNY)
Title: Place Making in the Metaverse
Event information
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8 March 2022
Isabelle Anguelovski and James Connoll
Title: The Green City and Social Injustice
Event information
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27 January 2022
Maria Adebowale-Schwarte (Foundation for Future London) 
Title: The Place Making Factor: Disrupting Siloed Thinking to Make Better Places
Event information
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28 October 2021
Speaker: Professor John Tomaney, The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

Title: Social infrastructure and left-behind places: stories from County Durham
Event information
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2020 - 2021 (convened by Professor Nick Gallent)

20 May 2021
Speaker: Ann Forsyth, Harvard University
Title: The Annual Sir Peter Hall Lecture: Healthy Cities and Communities after COVID-19
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

25 February 2021
Speaker: Libby Porter, RMIT University
Title: Precarities of dwelling in the settler-colonial city
Event information
Watch the lecture on YouTube

25 November 2020
Speaker: Desiree Fields, The University of California, Berkeley
Title: Racialised Geographies of Housing Financialisation
Event information
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28 October 2020
Speaker: Rebecca Chiu, The University of Hong Kong
Title: Urbanism and older people’s mental wellbeing
Event information
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2019 - 2020 (convened by Professor John Tomaney)

31 October 2019
Speaker:  Karel Williams and Julie Froud
Title: Foundational Liveability Place and Planning
Event information

30 January 2020
Speaker: Lynne Sagalyn
Title: Power at Ground Zero - Rebuilding Lower Manhattan
Event information
Watch lecture on YouTube

27 February 2020
Speaker: Professor Andy Pike
Title: Is fixing infrastructure in the London global city-region undermining the UK?
Event information 
Watch lecture on YouTube

4 June 2020
Speaker: Rt. Hon. Lord Kerslake
Title: The UK2070 Commission on regional inequalities
Event information
Watch lecture on YouTube

2018 - 2019 (convened by Professor John Tomaney)

25 October 2018 'Cities in Time: Temporary Urbanism and the Future of Cities' Professor Ali Madanipour, University of Newcastle

29 November 2018 'Urban Transformation and sustainable development: from Beijing to ManchesterProfessor Cecilia Wong, University of Manchester

31 January 2019 'Design for Wellbeing' Professor Sadie Morgan, dRMM

28 February 2019 'Spatial Rationalities of Urban Inequality in the United States'  Professor Aseem Inam, University of Cardiff

5 June 2019 The Annual Sir Peter Hall Lecture 'Metabolic Suburbia: Facing the connectivity of the extended urban world' Professor Roger Keil, UCL

2017 - 2018 (convened by Professor John Tomaney)

26 October 2017

'The Urban Displacement Project: Urban Data Science for Policy Change' Professor Karen Chapple, University of California, Berkeley

Watch on YouTube.

30 November 2017 

'Planning in Northern Ireland – Where are we now?' Fiona McCandless

Watch on YouTube.

25 January 2018 

'Rethinking the Economics of Land HousingDr Josh Ryan-Collins

Watch on UCL Media Central.

24 May 2018 

'Planning centrality, market instruments: Governing Chinese urban', Fulong Wu

2016 - 2017 (convened by Professor John Tomaney)

27 October 2016

'When and Why do We Overbuild?' Professor Rachel Weber, University of Illinois, Chicago

Watch on YouTube.

1 December 2016

'Planning, Politics and the Global Housing Market: Perspectives from Australia' Professor Nicole Gurran, University of Sydney

Watch on YouTube.

26 January 2017

'New York City’s Affordable Housing Plan Under Mayor De Blasio and the Limits of Local Initiative' Professor Alex Schwartz, The New School, New York

Watch on YouTube.

23 February 2017

'Milton Keynes at 50. A planner’s perspective' Anna Rose, Director – Growth, Economy and Culture at Milton Keynes Council and President, Planning Officers Society

Watch on YouTube. 

25 May 2017

The Annual Sir Peter Hall Lecture 'Creative Improvisation and Critical Pragmatism' Professor John Forester, Cornell University, New York

Watch on YouTube.

2015 - 2016 (convened by Professor John Tomaney)

29 October 2015

'London: The World’s Greatest Unplanned City' Professor Peter Rees, CBE, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

Watch on YouTube.

26 November 2015

'Tracking and Explaining Neighbourhood Chance in U.S. Metro Areas, 1990 to 2010' Professor John D Landis, University of Pennsylvaia

Watch on YouTube.

28 January 2016

'A Growing London: The Importance of Crossrail 2' Dr Michèle Dix, CBE, Managing Director of Planning, Transport for London

Watch on YouTube.

25 February 2016

'Data-driven, Networked Urbanism' Professor Rob Kitchin, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Watch on YouTube.

26 May 2016

The Annual Sir Peter Hall Lecture 'Planning the social: diversity beyond recognition?' Professor Ruth Fincher, University of Melbourne

Watch on YouTube.

2011 - 2012 (convened by Dr Jung Won Sonn)

12 October 2011

'Tram Trains as a Catalyst for City Region Building' Professor Helmut Holzapfel, University of Kassel

16 November 2011

'Addressing the Policy Integration Probematic from a Co-Evolution Perspective' Professor Yvonne Rydin and Dr Catalina Turcu, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

23 November 2011

'Thirty Global Planning Success Stories' Professor John D Landis, University of Pennsylvania

18 January 2012

'Parochialism - a defence' Professor John Tomaney, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

22 February 2012

'Cracking Hegemony: regionalism and state rescaling in South Korean, 1960s' Don-wan Kim, Korean Research Foundation

7 March 2012

'Tech City and the London Economy' Dr Max Nathan, LSE

21 March 2012

'Community Planning and Transition' Richard Nunes, University of Reading

2010 - 2011 (convened by Dr Jung Won Sonn)

20 October 2010

'Planning, Localism and the Big Society' Kate Henderson, Chief Executive, Town and Country Planning Association

17 November 2010 

'Mega-events and urban spatial restricting: the case of 2010 Summer Asian Games in Guangzhou China' Hyun-Bang Shin Lecturer, LSE

 24 November 2010

'From Metropolitan to Regional Urbanisation' Edward Soja, Distinguished Professor Emiritus, LSE

8 December 2010

'Research Questions arising from Public Engagement in London Planning' Professor Michael Edwards, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

12 January 2011

'Life After Regions? The evolution of city-regionalism in England' Dr John Harrison, Loughborough University

26 January 2011

'Sub-national economic policy: are local Enterprise Partnerships the right way forward?' Paul Hildreth, University of Salford 

9 February 2011

'Methodological Challenges in Local Development Analysis' Professor Frank Moulaert, University of Leuven

23 February 2011

'Migration of Creative Class' Dr Maria Abreu, University of Cambridge

8 March 2011

'Policy Responses to Deindustrialisation: Four UK Cities’ Experiences' Ann Markusen, Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota

17 March 2011
'Planning’s Future – Futures Planning: Planning in an Era of Global (Un)certainty and Transformation. A response to the theme of the 2011 World Planning Schools Conference' Professor Robert Freestone, University of New South Wales

23 March 2011

'University and the City' John Goddard, Professor Emeritus, Newcastle University

26 May 2011

'Canberra – Myths and Models Reloaded' Dr Friedhelm Fischer, University of Kassel

2009 - 2010 (convened by Professor Nick Phelps)

22 September 2009

'European Metroscapes: the production of lived mobilities within the socio-technical Metrosystems in Copenhagen, London, and Paris' Professor Ole B. Jensen, Aalborg University

15 October 2009

'Mapping London’s skyline: The project-based networks of London’s buildings' Dr Oliver Mould, Royal Holloway

12 November 2009

'Picking your partners: how does the research standing of academics influence their relationships with industry?' Dr Markus Perkmann, Imperial College Business School

26 November 2009

'Gated Communities and Social Segregation? The case of a gated community and its surrounding area in Mendoza, Argentina' Dr Sonia Roitman, University of Queensland

10 December 2009

'Building trust in planning: understanding the contested legitimacy of a planning decision' Dr Malcolm Tait, The University of Sheffield

27 January 2010

'European Experiences in Planning for Major Infrastructure' Dr Tim Marshall, Oxford Brookes University

24 February 2010

'Institutional Changes, Foreign Direct Investment and the re-structuring of the Food Retail Industry in Post-WTO-Entry China' Wance Tacconnelli, University of Surrey

10 March 2010

'The Rise of Amsterdam as the Cultural Capital of the Netherlands. Long-Term Shifts in Polycentric Divisions of Labour in Cultural Industries in the Netherlands' Professor Robert Kloosterman, University of Amsterdam

17 March 2010

'Zero-Carbon Built Environment Networks', Professor Yvonne Rydin, Bartlett School of Planning, UCL

24 March 2010

'A Green Belt Under Pressure' Dr Nicky Morrison, University of Cambridge

2008 - 2009 (convened by Professor Nick Phelps)

22 September 2008

'European Metroscapes: the production of lived mobilities within the socio-technical Metrosystems in Copenhagen, London, and Paris' Professor Ole B. Jensen, Aalborg University 

15 October 2008

'Mapping London's skyline: The project-based networks of London's buildings' Dr Oliver Mould, Royal Holloway

12 November 2008

'Picking your partners: how does the research standing of academics influence their relationships with industry?' Dr Markus Perkmann, Imperial College Business School

26 November 2008

'Gated Communities and Social Segregation? The case of a gated community and its surrounding area in Mendoza, Argentina' Dr Sonia Roitman, University of Queensland

10 December 2008

'Building trust in planning: understanding the contested legitimacy of a planning decision' Dr Malcolm Tait, The University of Sheffield

27 January 2009

'Local Policies for Global Problems: New Challenges for Implementation' Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira, United Nations University

11 February 2009

'From Factorial Ecology to Ecological Sensing: A Case Study of Canterbury' Dr Dan O'Donoghue, Canterbury Christ Church University

25 February 2009

'Creativity, Network and Openness - The Potential Value of an Open Source Approach to Support Practitioners in Planning for Sustainability' Dr Joanne Tippett, University of Manchester

25 March 2009

'Planning for Rural Housing: Policy and Politics in Ireland' Dr Mark Scott, University College Dublin

27 May 2009

'The Uses of Planning Theory' Professor John Friedmann, University of British Columbia