
The Bartlett School of Planning


The BSP Expo

Discover work from students at The Bartlett School of Planning encapsulated in our annual BSP Expo events and catalogues.

About the BSP Expo

The Bartlett School of Planning is one of the largest and most diverse planning schools in the UK, with more than 650 students from the UK and overseas, and with more than 50 members of staff. Our undergraduate students follow courses in urban planning and real estate, urban design and management, and urban studies. Meanwile, our postgraduate students explore the disciplines of spatial planning, city planning, international planning, urban regeneration, urban design, housing, transport, infrastrcture, sustainable urbanism, and real estate.

The first BSP Expo was launched in 2017 to showcase the innovative work and research of our students and staff, ranging from short essays and reviews to dissertations. Adding to the work of our undergraduate and master's students is the work of our PhD candidates who make an original contribution to the knowledge base of the many urban challenges that the city will face in decades ahead.

Discover below photos from our expos across the years and catalogues which provide a more permanent record of the works exhibited. 

BSP Expo 2024: Post-Pandemic Recovery

This year, The Bartlett School of Planning brings you a thematic expo showcasing our interpretations of the role and potential of urban planning and design in the context of post-pandemic recovery. The collection showcases undergraduate and postgraduate student works on topics including urban renewal, regeneration and rebirth.

Read the BSP Expo Catalogue 2024 on Issuu ▶

Discover photos from the BSP Expo 2024 on Flickr ▶

BSP Expo 2021

Read the BSP Expo Catalogue 2021

BSP Virtual Expo 2020

In 2020, we adapted our usual exhibition to a virtual format where we explored the BSP Expo 2020 in a virtual 3d version of UCL's South Cloisters.

    Virtual expo screenshot

    Explore the BSP Expo 2020 ▶

    Read the 2020 catalogue on Issuu ▶

    Watch the live launch event on YouTube ▶

    BSP Expo 2019

    The Expo ran from 1 to 7 June 2019 in the South Cloisters of the Wilkins Building. The exhibition was opened by Dr Richard Simmons, Visiting Professor at The Bartlett School of Planning and Trustee at The URBED Trust. 

    View pictures of the opening event on Flickr ▶ 

    BSP Expo 2018

    The Expo ran from 9 to 13 May 2018 in the South Cloisters of the Wilkins Building. Kate Henderson, Chief Executive of the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), opened the Expo. You can view Kate Henderson's full speech on The Bartlett's YouTube channel.

    View the event page on our website for more information ▶

    View pictures of the opening event on Flickr ▶ 

    BSP Expo 2017

    The first Expo opened on 16 May 2017. Bill Dunster OBE gave the official opening, followed by a guided tour by Dr Claire Colomb, Reader in Planning and Urban Sociology at the School of Planning.  

    View the event page on our website for more information ▶

    View pictures of the opening event on Flickr ▶

    Planning Students