806 results
ISR PhD Opportunities 2015/16
ISR PhD Opportunities 2015/16. 12 October 2015. Fully funded PhD Studentship in econometric modelling. Title: PhD Studentship in econometric modelling of natural resources and economic growth . Supervisors: Dr Paolo Agnolucci, Senior Lecturer in…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
The global resource nexus - a new approach to advance understanding of sustainability transitions
The global resource nexus - a new approach to advance understanding of sustainability transitions. 7 October 2015. The global resource nexus can be seen as a relatively new concept for understanding transformations. The nexus addresses the…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Optimising energy storage to balance high levels of intermittent renewable generation
Optimising energy storage to balance high levels of intermittent renewable generation. 30 September 2015. Optimising energy storage to balance high levels of intermittent renewable generation. 33rd USAEE/IAEE North American Conference Pittsburgh, USA…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Future Energy Blog - energy policy: rationalisation or politicisation?
Future Energy Blog - energy policy: rationalisation or politicisation? 30 September 2015. "The Conservative government inherited a problem in energy policy. So did the Coalition government before it', writes Prof Michael Grubb in the first in a…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
ISR Professor responds to Shell Arctic drilling decision
ISR Professor responds to Shell Arctic drilling decision. 29 September 2015. UCL ISR Director Prof Paul Ekins OBE, commented in response to Shell's recent decision to abandon oil drilling operations in the Arctic saying:. "I hope that Shell’s…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Network infrastructure and energy storage
Network infrastructure and energy storage. 17 September 2015. Network infrastructure and energy storage. In Ekins, P., Bradshaw, M., Watson, J. (Eds.), Global Energy: Issues, Potentials and Policy Implications. Dodds, P.E., Fais, B. (2015). The full…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Challenges and options for sustainable travel: Mobility, motorisation and vehicle technologies
Challenges and options for sustainable travel: Mobility, motorisation and vehicle technologies. 17 September 2015. Challenges and options for sustainable travel: Mobility, motorisation and vehicle technologies. In Ekins, P., Bradshaw, M., Watson, J. …
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
The Three Domains structure of energy-climate transitions
The Three Domains structure of energy-climate transitions. 1 September 2015. The Three Domains structure of energy-climate transitions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 98, 290-302. Grubb, M., Hourcade, J.-.C., Neuhoff, K. (2015). The…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Designing optimal infrastructures for delivering hydrogen to consumers
Designing optimal infrastructures for delivering hydrogen to consumers. 1 September 2015. Designing optimal infrastructures for delivering hydrogen to consumers. In Gupta, R.B., Basile, A., Veziroglu, T.N. (Eds.), Compendium of Hydrogen Energy,…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Love Food, Hate Waste - Poster Competition
Love Food, Hate Waste - Poster Competition. 11 August 2015. Calling all UCL students, this is your chance to help make a difference. Design an inspirational poster to reduce food waste and your design could be used in a UCL-wide campaign, as well as…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources