805 results
The Competitiveness Effects of European environmental fiscal Reforms
The Competitiveness Effects of European environmental fiscal Reforms. 1 January 2009. The Competitiveness Effects of European environmental fiscal Reforms. European Review of Energy Markets, 3 (1) 43 - 75. Ekins, P; Barker, T; Junankar, S; Pollitt, H…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Ein internationales Abkommen als Kernelement eines globalen Ressourcenmanagements
Ein internationales Abkommen als Kernelement eines globalen Ressourcenmanagements. 1 January 2009. Ein internationales Abkommen als Kernelement eines globalen Ressourcenmanagements : ein Vorschlag für die Politik. In: Globale Rohstoffpolitik :…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Globale Rohstoffpolitik : Herausforderungen für Sicherheit, Entwicklung und Umwelt
Globale Rohstoffpolitik : Herausforderungen für Sicherheit, Entwicklung und Umwelt. 1 January 2009. Globale Rohstoffpolitik : Herausforderungen für Sicherheit, Entwicklung und Umwelt. EINE Welt - Texte der Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden.…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
"Global Resource Governance" : Perspektiven nachhaltiger globaler Rohstoffpolitik
Global Resource Governance" : Perspektiven nachhaltiger globaler Rohstoffpolitik. 1 January 2009. "Global Resource Governance" : Perspektiven nachhaltiger globaler Rohstoffpolitik. In: Globale Rohstoffpolitik : Herausforderungen für Sicherheit,…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Measuring urban greenhouse gas emissions : the challenge of comparability
Measuring urban greenhouse gas emissions : the challenge of comparability. 1 January 2009. Measuring urban greenhouse gas emissions: the challenge of comparability. Surveys and perspectives integrating environment and society, 2 (3) 7 - 21.…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Aus dem Fluch einen Segen machen : internationale Ressourcenpolitik
Aus dem Fluch einen Segen machen : internationale Ressourcenpolitik. 1 January 2009. Aus dem Fluch einen Segen machen : internationale Ressourcenpolitik. Politische Ökologie, 27 (115-116) 42 - 45. Bleischwitz, R; Bringezu Stefan, ; (2009). The full…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Informational barriers to energy efficiency : theory and European policies
Informational barriers to energy efficiency : theory and European policies. 1 January 2009. Informational barriers to energy efficiency:theory and European policies. (Bruges European economic research papers ). College of Europe: Bruges. Bleischwitz,…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Resource Productivity, Environmental Tax Reform and Sustainable Growth in Europe
Resource Productivity, Environmental Tax Reform and Sustainable Growth in Europe. 1 January 2009. Resource Productivity, Environmental Tax Reform and Sustainable Growth in Europe. Anglo-German Foundation: London. Ekins, P; (2009). The full text of…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
The relation between resource productivity and competitiveness. Part: Resource productivity
The relation between resource productivity and competitiveness. Part: Resource productivity. 1 January 2009. The relation between resource productivity and competitiveness. Part: Resource productivity. Wuppertal Inst. for Climate, Environment and…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources
Carbon Taxes, ETR and Emissions Trading: Substitutes or Complements?
Carbon Taxes, ETR and Emissions Trading: Substitutes or Complements? 1 January 2009. Carbon Taxes, ETR and Emissions Trading: Substitutes or Complements? (UK Energy and Environment (supplement) , pp. 1-1 - 1-9 ). Cambridge Econometrics: Cambridge.…
UCL Inst. for Sustainable Resources