
Brain Sciences


The Centre for Equality Research in Brain Sciences

The Centre for Equality Research in Brain Sciences (the ERB Centre) brings together an impactful network of interdisciplinary researchers to foster understanding and solutions regarding equality challenges in science, academia and beyond.
two women working

About us

Find out more about our vision and mission, and how we aim to enrich the scientific content and culture of brain and mind fields through our research on equality.


Research Funding Calls

Applications for Small Grant Funding 2024/25 Academic Year are now open.


Funded Research

Learn about the research we fund.


Research Interest Groups (RIGs)

Discover researchers and clinicians from different disciplines interested in a common topic.

five people looking at a wall


See all relevant publications across the years. 

Designing for dementia

Grants Awarded to the Centre

Find out more about grants awarded to the ERB.

two people pictured starring

Annual Seminars

ERB Centre Annual Seminar.


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Latest News

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