
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


CHR PhD Studentships Application process

Child Health Research PhD Studentships Application Process

The following guidance must be read carefully before completing and submitting an application.

Stage one - Studentship application

Before applying, potential applicants/students must contact supervisors of projects they are interested in to discuss the group's research and supervisory arrangements.

Link to application form (MS form) Application deadline: 09:00 Friday 13th December 2024 - For more information about the studentship application form please see below.

Shortlisting and interview

The selection panel will short list candidates for interview in January 2025.  Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview which will take place online on 10th and 11th February 2025. Candidates will be required to give a short presentation to the interview panel, chaired by the Institute Director. 

Stage Two - Graduate Application

Post interview
If you are offered a studentship you must:

  • Submit a UCL Graduate application to the Child Health MPhil/PhD research degree (only do this if you are offered a studentship and invited to do so).
  • Work with your supervisor on a full PhD project proposal which will be submitted for internal peer review, and approval by your Thesis Committee to ensure the project is appropriate and up to date.

Your supervisor must:

  • Submit the required supplementary GOS ICH registration paperwork prior to a formal UCL offer being made.
  • UCL offers expected to be confirmed by end of May 2025.

Studentship Application

Applications must be submitted via MS Form (see link below).
Your application must include:

  • Your name, contact email and nationality.
  • Project of choice from the CHR Research PhD project portfolio.
  • Your CV details.
    • Education: Please list degree names, awarding institutions and grades achieved or expected starting with the most recent. 
    • Extracurricular experiences: List any work, volunteering or leadership roles (up to 500 words).
  • Research Experience. Please detail your previous experience of working in a research environment (up to 500 words).
  • Personal statement. Please explain why you wish to apply for a Child Health Research PhD studentship (up to 500 words).
  • Project supervisor's name.
  • Contact details of two referees.
  • How would you fund international fees, if applicable/required? (up to 150 words).

Link to application form (MS form) Application deadline: 09:00 Friday 13th December 2024.

Applicants will be shortlisted in January and shortlisted applicants will be interviewed on 10th and 11th February 2025.

Overseas applicants should also see below FAQ BEFORE applying.
Please note that if you apply without following the above application process, your application may not be considered or successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What funding is provided?
    1. The studentship covers UK (Home) tuition fees and provides 3 years of funding, comprised of a tax-free / National Insurance free stipend (currently £21,237 pa) and a consumables budget of £6,000 per annum. See: Studentship budgets.
  2. Can students from outside the UK apply?
    1. Yes, overseas students have previously been accepted into the programme and we welcome applications from international students. The Child Health Research Studentships fully fund UK (Home) fees.
    2. EU nationals should see this Student fee status page for information about eligibility for UK fees. 
    3. Non-UK students receive the stipend, and the Home component of their fees is paid, but they must be prepared to pay the Overseas fees themselves (the difference between Home and Overseas fees in 2024/25 is £25,065 per year and there is normally a 5% increase on fees each year).
    4. Subject to confirmation, further funding may be available to us to cover overseas fees for some of these studentships. Overseas candidates who would require additional funding support should visit: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/scholarships/
  3. Can I visit the Institute before the interviews?
    1. All candidates who are short-listed must be interviewed online. At any time, you may make direct and independent contact with potential supervisors. Shortlisted candidates are encouraged to ask potential supervisors whether they can organise a visit or online meeting to meet the group.
  4. I have a lower second degree but I am now doing an MSc. Is this equivalent to an upper second? 
    1. Assuming you pass your MSc with at least a merit, you could be eligible to apply for a PhD studentship.
  5. Do I need to have chosen my project from the portfolio, prior to interview?
    1. Yes. Prior to application, you are required to contact supervisors on projects you are interested in to discuss the group's research and supervisory arrangements. If you are shortlisted for interview, we will ask supervisors to provide us with a supporting statement (<300 words) which we will include as part of your application. Supporting statements may be used by the selection committee to differentiate between students with identical rankings during shortlisting.
    2. This does not mean that your PhD project is rigidly set in stone: successful applicants are expected to work with their prospective supervisors to submit an updated project proposal for peer review by departmental academics before starting their studentship.
  6. I have another PhD offer, which needs a decision before I decide on my studentships.
    1. Please ask them to wait (they usually will); if not, contact us.

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