
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Charges and conditions of use


Cell analysis and cell sorting are charged per hour. All charges are excluded of inflation. A 7.86% should be added for this financial year 2023/2024.

Charges for cell analysis

FACSymphony A5 with Infra Red laser [6 lasers; 32 colours plus FSC and SSC; 96-well plate loader]

UCL users: £35
External users: £60


FACSymphony A5  [5 lasers; 30 colours plus FSC and SSC; 96-well plate loader]

UCL users: £35
External users: £60


CytoFLEX S [4 lasers; 13 colours plus FSC and SSC; 96-well plate loader]

UCL users: £35
External users: £60.
There is a £10 monthly flat fee per user for CytoFLEX usage.


LSRII [4 lasers; 16 colours plus FSC and SSC]

UCL users: £30
External users: £50
There is a £10 monthly flat fee per user for LSRII and CyAn usage.


CyAn ADP [2 lasers; 7 colours plus FSC and SSC]

UCL users: £25
External users: £40


Assisted Analysis:

Assisted cell analysis will carry a 50% surcharge.

Samples run by facility staff will carry a 100% surcharge

Charges for cell sorting

There is a minimum of one hour booking slot for cell sorting.
Additional time will be charged in 30 minutes increments

FACSAria III [4 lasers; 16 colours plus FSC and SSC; 4-way sort and cloning]

UCL users: £65
External users: £100
There is a £25 monthly flat fee per user for FACSAriaiIII and MoFlo XDP usage for the months the cell sorters are used.


FACSMelody [3 lasers; 8 colours plus FSC and SSC; 4-way sort and cloning]

UCL users: £60
External users £100


Charges for training and courses

We have one fixed rate for all cell analysers. Training takes place in the morning from 10 am to 12 pm and lasts for one to 2 hours depending on user's flow cytometry experience.
Flow course is also charged at the same rate, takes 2 hours and is given in the morning.

£60 per hour UCL users 

£110 per hour for External users



Booking An Instrument

An account number, electronic IDT or purchase order, as appropriate, must be supplied before the time of booking.

For external users: We need a purchase order (PO) in advance of any work. The PO must be more than sufficient to cover the expected usage; only the cost for the actual usage will be debited. VAT will be payable unless VAT exempt certificate is provided.

Cell Analysers:

Cell analysers can be booked by all users via our online booking system There is a minimum of a half hour booking slot. Additional time will be charged in 30 minutes increments.

Cell Sorters:

As sorts are performed by facility's staff. 

MoFlo XDP, FACSMelody and FACSAria III can ONLY be booked by phone or by email to Ayad Eddaoudi.
There is a minimum of one hour booking slot for cell sorting. Additional time will be charged in 30 minutes increments.


Cell Analysers

Booked analysers can be cancelled up to 12 hours beforehand without charge. 

Cancellation can be done by all users via our online booking system.

Cancellations less than 12 hours ahead will be charged at full cost unless taken up by another user.

Cell Sorters:

Sorts can be canceled up to 24 hours beforehand without charge.

Cancellation can only be done via facility staff by phone or by email.

Cancellations less than 24 hours ahead will be charged at full cost unless taken up by another user



Bills will be prepared quarterly and transfers made automatically.

GOSH and External Users:

We need a purchase order in advance of any work.

The PO must be more than sufficient to cover the expected usage; only the cost for the actual usage will be debited.

VAT will be payable unless VAT exempt certificate is provided.

Opening Hours

The facility's GOSICH site is open to all registered users, who have access to ZCR centre, from 7 am to 11 pm on week days and from 9 am to 7 pm on weekends. However, anyone using the facility out of the normal working hours must follow the appropriate lone worker rules. 

For GOSICH staff see the GOS ICH intranet Lone Working policy. GOS Hospital staff should refer to their own policy for lone working. 


Staffed hours:

9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday