
UCL's Centre for Data Intensive Science


Alex Saoulis

I will be working to develop advanced signal-processing and machine-learning techniques in order to extract complex signals from noisy antenna data.

Alex Saoulis

1 January 2022

Project title: Understanding earthquakes and cosmic structure growth

Research Group: High Energy Physics

Supervisor(s): Prof Benjamin JoachimiProf Ana Ferreira


I received my MPhys from the University of Oxford in 2020, specialising in Quantum Optics and Theoretical Physics in my final year. After graduating, I worked in the Accelerator Controls group at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source in South Oxfordshire. While there, I worked as a software engineer and ML specialist, learning about and implementing projects on the applications of Machine Learning at particle accelerators. This included using ML for anomaly detection and surrogate modelling of various parts of the accelerator. I will be working on applying ML-based surrogate modelling and Bayesian inference techniques to problems in Seismology and Cosmology. 

Project description:  

This project will develop surrogate modelling and inference techniques with applications to current problems in both seismology and cosmology. In areas otherwise hampered by complex, computationally expensive models, we will enable the fast and accurate localisation of earthquakes, as well as constraints on the cosmic large-scale structure from current large galaxy surveys. 

First year group project: 
