Learn about entrepreneurship and develop skills which will help you make an impact in your studies and future career, with our introductory workshops and masterclasses.
Test the potential of your entrepreneurial ideas, and learn what’s involved in setting up a business, social enterprise or freelancing venture, with these practical programmes.
“If you’re passionate about your idea, I truly believe you have every chance of making it a reality at UCL. There are many, many people here who’ll want to cheer you on, and help.”
Nikhit Anilbhai (MSc Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine), co-founder of Your Cue
“The input we’ve had from UCL has been pivotal. Not just in giving us a physical base, but also in the support we’ve received from the startup experts - they helped us access finance and explore different markets.”
James Della Valle, architecture alumnus and co-founder of BoxxDocks