
UCL Grand Challenges


New podcast episode released to launch UCL’s Grand Challenge of Data-Empowered Societies

23 September 2024

Hear from UCL staff about the transformative potential of this Grand Challenge, ethical data practices, and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Data Empowered Societies podcast Join us in this special episode as we explore UCL's evolved Grand Challenge, which aims to harness the power of data to tackle pressing societal issues and create more Data-Empowered Societies.

This podcast episode marks the announcement of the appointment of Professor Allison LittleJohn and Professor James Hetherington as the Pro-Vice-Provosts for the UCL Grand Challenges theme of Date-Empowered Societies.

James Paskins, Assistant Director, UCL Grand Challenges, said:

New technologies are opening up radical new ways to process data, giving us unprecedented power to understand and shape our world. The new Grand Challenge of Data-Empowered Societies will bring together insight from different parts of UCL to understand the potential of these new technologies, allowing us to appreciate the huge benefits and dangers they present. I strongly believe that this UCL Grand Challenge will help us shape a more informed and equitable future for all."

In this podcast, you’ll hear from UCL staff about the transformative potential of this Grand Challenge, ethical data practices, and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.

This episode features UCL colleagues, including:

  • Prof. Allison Littlejohn, Pro-Vice-Provost of the Grand Challenge of Data-Empowered Societies and Professor of Learning Technology and Director of the UCL Knowledge Lab
  • Prof. Jack Stilgoe, Professor of Science and Technology, Department of Science & Technology Studies
  • Dr Jin Gao, Lecturer in Digital Archives, Department of Information Studies
  • Samantha Ahern, Senior Digital Research Trainer, Digital Skills Development  

Listen to learn how this Grand Challenge is looking to make a difference and how Data-Empowered Societies aims to position UCL as a leader in data-driven solutions, fostering innovation, inclusivity, and impactful partnerships.

For more information on how to get involved, visit our website or contact the team via email.

Listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, iTunes and Spotfiy.