
UCL Human Resources


Department Transactions

MyHR Department Transactions is a tool that administrators in departments will use to submit and approve requests to HR Services and Payroll. A list of tasks that can be completed through the MyHR Department Transactions tool are:

  • One off worker requests
  • New contract requests (including transfer, rehire and additional appointment)
  • Request and amend payments
  • Transaction tracker (see the current status of any transaction)
  • Cost allocation (amendments to the cost allocation)
  • Allowances (create /update)
  • Assignment changes (extension / change to hours)
  • Leaver termination

There are two roles available within Department Transactions. These roles require authorisation before access is granted.

  • Department Transactions Administrator

This access allows individuals to submit contract requests, changes to appointments, one-off payments and leavers. The individual will be able to see all staff within the Department requested, including sub-units. There is prerequisite training before this access can be given. To view and book available sessions, please see the HR Staff Training page.

  • Department Transactions Payments Approver

This access allows individuals to approve payments that have been created by other Department Transactions Administrators.

User Guides

These guides provide a step by step walkthrough of the various workflows in Department Transactions in a Word Document format. 


Training Video

The following video is a quick ‘how to’ for the Payments Appover role.

MediaCentral Widget Placeholderhttps://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/21823258

Requesting Access

To request additional MyHR access, please submit a Departmental Administration Access Request in MyServices. Please ensure the Head of Department/Division or Faculty Director of Operations for your area is selected as the Authoriser of the request. Incorrect details will delay requests from proceeding.