
Institute for Global Health


Research Degree Supervisors

There are three main ways to identify an appropriate supervisor to contact:

1. Browse the list of staff below within the Institute for Global Health and click on their name to view their staff profile on UCL's Profiles

2. Look directly on UCL's Profiles where you can search for relevant academic units and potential supervisors by keyword. Not all academics are listed but it is a good place to start.

3. Search our online research repository (UCL Discovery) where all UCL's research papers are published, subject to approvals. If you identify a research paper that particularly interests you it is likely that one of the authors would be a suitable research supervisor.

NameArea of expertise
Professor Ibrahim Abubakar
  • Epidemiology and control of infectious diseases including tuberculosis, hepatitides, HIV, and co-infections particularly among vulnerable populations
  • Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions against infectious diseases particularly through latent and active tuberculosis clinical trials
  • Migration and health
Dr Alejandro Arenas-Pinto
  • Treatment of HIV disease and its complications
  • Risk factors and management of end-organ disease in HIV
  • Systemic inflammation and immune activation associated with HIV infection
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction in HIV positive individuals
Dr Heather Bailey
  • HIV and viral hepatitis
  • Epidemiology of infections in pregnancy
  • Vertical transmission and congenital infection
Dr Neha Batura
  • Economic evaluation alongside complex public health trials
  • Health and development inequalities
  • Measurement of multidimensional well-being
Dr Rochelle Burgess
  • Global Mental health in low and middle income countries with an emphasis on interventions in Africa and Latin America 
  • Mental health in special populations - including minority groups (including LGBTQI+),  Violence (symbolic, structural, inter-generational), child marriage  
  • Community based approaches to understanding health and health services 
  • Power, Agency and social justice in global health
  • Innovative qualitative and participatory research methods in global health 
Professor Fiona Burns
  • Social, behavioural and clinical dimensions of HIV/STI epidemiology
  • Migration and health
  • Health care access, engagement and social inequalities
  • HIV care pathways
Dr Valentina Cambiano
  • Statistical analysis of cohort studies
  • Mathematical modelling of HIV epidemics, using an individual-based stochastic dynamic model of HIV transmission, progression and the effect of antiretroviral therapy
  • Sexual behaviour and HIV prevention and testing
  • Health economic analyses
Professor Tim Colbourn
  • Community-based child health (especially pneumonia) interventions in Africa
  • Maternal, newborn and child health facility quality improvement methods and systems research
  • Epidemiological, health systems and health economic modelling for improving uses of limited resources
  • Impact, process and economic evaluation methods
Professor Andrew Copas
  • Design and conduct of clinical trials, especially cluster randomised trials in global health
  • Statistical methods applied to trials in global health
  • Methods to deal with bias from missing data, participant selection and reporting bias, in particular in sexual behaviour surveys
Professor Alessandro Cozzi-Lepri
  • HIV, HCV and influenza clinical epidemiology
  • Causal inference in observational studies
  • Personalised medicine
Dr Delanjathan Devakumar
  • Migration and child and adolescent health, in particular in relation to labour migration, forced migration from conflict and left-behind populations
  • Conflict, violence and mental health of children and adolescents
  • Early life nutrition and later health outcomes (developmental origins of health and disease)
  • Advocacy and child rights
Professor David Dunn
  • HIV prevention (particularly pre-exposure prophylaxis)
  • HIV drug resistance
  • Pragmatic randomised controlled trials
Dr Liz Fearon
  • Social networks, both as facilitators of infectious disease transmission and as means for intervention design and delivery
  • HIV and STIs, particularly among gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men and among female sex workers
  • Research methodologies for working with marginalised and minoritized populations
  • Testing and contact tracing interventions, epidemic response
  • Methods in infectious disease epidemiology, evaluation, transmission dynamics and surveillance, including working interdisciplinarity.
Professor Nigel Field
  • Infectious disease molecular epidemiology
  • Early life gut microbiota and impacts on child health
  • Population-based studies to understand and improve sexual health
  • STI transmission and control
Professor Edward Fottrell
  • Health in low- and middle-income countries
  • Social and behavioural community intervention development, implementation and evaluation
  • Morbidity, all-cause and cause-specific mortality measurement in resource-poor settings
  • mHealth
Dr Jennie Gamlin
  • Gender and global health -in particular gender and violence/masculinites and violence
  • Medical Anthropology and critical social science perspectives on global health
  • Marginalised and indigenous populations in Latin America
  • Reproductive and maternal health
Dr Jo Gibbs
  • Sexual health and HIV
  • Online clinical care pathways for infectious diseases, from diagnostics through to management & surveillance
  • Development and evaluation of complex digital interventions
  • Legal & regulatory issues surrounding online clinical care
Professor Richard Gilson
  • Clinical trials in HIV and other STIs
  • HIV and hepatitis-coinfection cohort studies
  • Prevention and treatment of hepatitis C
  • Prevention and treatment of HPV infection
  • HPV-related anal cancer prevention
Dr Hassan Haghparast-Bidgoli
  • Economic evaluation of public health interventions (in particular, Diabetes; Maternal & child health; Injuries; HIV & Sexual and Reproductive Health; TB; and Nutrition & Early childhood development
  • Inequalities in health and health care utilisation
  • Technical efficiency of health care providers and health systems
  • Health care financing and provider payments
Dr Guy Harling
  • Social networks
  • HIV prevention 
  • Caregiving and care receipt 
  • Survey implementation quality & methodology in sub-Saharan Africa
Professor Sarah Hawkes
  • Politics and power in the link between evidence and health policy, particularly for non-communicable diseases
  • Applying a gender lens to processes of policy-level decision-making in global health organisations
  • Health and human rights in relation to sexual health and gender
Professor Therese Hesketh
  • Public Health/health systems in China
  • Vulnerable children, including child abuse, left behind children
  • Public health aspects of anti-microbial resistance
  • Elderly care and dementia
Professor Zelee Hill
  • Community based newborn, child health and development interventions in low income settings
  • Quality improvement initiatives
  • Behaviour change
  • Qualitative research including formative research and process evaluations
Dr Rebecca Irons
  • Critical Medical Anthropology and Ethnographic perspectives on Global Health
  • Reproductive and Sexual Health - focus on family planning and HIV
  • Marginalised and Indigenous populations in Latin America
  • Migration and Health
  • Gender and Global Health
Professor Ilan Kelman
  • Health impacts of climate change and dealing with climate change
  • Health impacts of disasters and disaster risk reduction
  • Arctic global health
  • Island studies and global health
  • Health diplomacy and medical diplomacy
Ligia Kiss
  • Health services and systems
  • Sociology
  • Social Epidemiology
  • Clinical and Health psychology
Dr Frank Kloprogge
  • Personalised medicine
  • Infectious diseases
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling
Dr Fiona Lampe
  • Trends in prognosis and outcomes of HIV
  • Impact of demographic, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors in HIV and other disease outcomes
  • Mental health and quality of life in HIV and other chronic diseases
  • Trends and predictors of sexual behaviour among groups at risk of HIV and STIs
  • Questionnaire-assessed measures of health
Dr Aurelia Lepine
  • Impact evaluation of public health interventions using quasi-experimental designs
  • Study of risky health behaviours of vulnerable women in low-income countries using field experiments and lab-experiments 
  • Measurement of sensitive behaviours in surveys
Dr Jenevieve Mannell
  • Primary prevention of gender-based violence in high-incidence contexts
  • Qualitative and participatory methodologies for global health research
  • Agency and violence against women
  • Community dynamics and existing capacity in LMIC
  • Afghanistan, Peru, Rwanda, South Africa
Professor Cath Mercer
  • Quantitative methods for researching sexual behaviour
  • Sexual behaviour across the lifecourse in the general population as well as particular groups, e.g. MSM, ethnic minority groups
  • Sexual function and well-being
  • Access to, and use of, sexual health services 
Professor Robert Miller
  • HIV/TB
  • Pneumocystis infection
  • Opportunistic infections in HIV
Dr Joanna Morrison
  • Formative and process evaluation research within randomised controlled trials
  • Participatory action research and public engagement
  • Health systems and community-based research in low and middle-income countries, with a particular interest in maternal health and nutrition, adolescent health, and type 2 diabetes
Dr Emily Nicholls
  • Experiences of HIV care, testing and prevention
  • Experiences of healthcare professionals delivering care
  • Qualitative and sociological approaches to digital health
  • Health activism
Professor David Osrin
  • Gender-based violence
  • Community mobilisation for health
  • Urban health in low- and middle-income countries
Professor Sarah Pett
  • Complications of HIV
  • Influenza
  • HCV
  • Novel diagnostic platforms
Professor Andrew Phillips
  • Individual based simulation models, particularly in the context of sub Saharan Africa
  • Modelling HIV risk, prevention, diagnosis and treatment 
Professor Kholoud Porter
  • Design and analyses of longitudinal cohorts
  • Primary HIV infection
  • HIV continuum of care
  • Long-term outcomes of treated and untreated HIV infection
  • Heart failure in low and middle-income countries
Professor Audrey Prost
  • Community mobilisation for women’s, children’s and young people’s health, with a focus on South Asia
  • Pragmatic randomised controlled trials 
  • Qualitative and participatory research methods in global health
Dr Stephen Roberts
  • Critical global health security
  • Global health politics and government
  • Pandemic preparedness
  • Surveillance studies and global health
Professor Alison Rodger
  • HIV testing including self testing 
  • Co-infections with HIV (TB, viral hepatitis)
  • HIV prevention - TasP and PrEP
  • Global health
Professor Caroline Sabin
  • Studies of HIV in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy
  • Ageing and HIV infection
  • Co-morbidities and adverse drug reactions in people living with HIV
Dr Andrew Seal
  • Epidemiology of malnutrition in emergency affected populations
  • Optimisation of food assistance 
  • Diagnosis and management of acute malnutrition 
  • Approaches to human resource development and capacity building in the humanitarian sector
Professor Maryam Shahmanesh
  • HIV prevention amongst adolescents and young people in southern Africa
  • Sexual health amongst adolescents and young adults in southern Africa
  • Sex Work
  • Developing and evaluating complex interventions (differentiated prevention and pragmatic/adaptive trials) 
Professor Lorraine Sherr
  • Psychological and Behavioural aspects of HIV, especially in women, children and low resource settings
  • Family and Children - early child development interventions, parenting, fatherhood,  Violence and children
  • Mental health - burden, resilience - interventions, measurement
Professor Jolene Skordis
  • Multidimensional poverty and antipoverty transfer programmes
  • Gender empowerment, social networks and social capital
  • Addressing health inequalities
  • Fiscal space for sustainable and scalable programme delivery 
  • Technical and allocative efficiency in health service delivery
Dr Colette Smith
  • Statistical analysis of cohort studies, with a focus on HIV and infectious diseases
  • Methodological issues in the analyses of observational datasets 
  • Impact of gender, socio-economic and other inequalities on the outcomes of people living with HIV and other chronic diseases
Professor Pam Sonnenberg
  • Infectious disease epidemiology - TB, HIV and STIs
  • Population-based sexual health surveys
  • Population impact of HPV vaccination
  • Molecular epidemiology
  • eHealth - online clinical pathways and mobile diagnostics
Dr Oliver Stirrup
  • Statistical analysis of longitudinal biomarker and time-to-event data
  • Modelling of HIV incidence and diagnosis delays
  • HIV drug resistance
Dr Shema Tariq
  • The health and well-being of women living with HIV from adolescence to older age
  • Qualitative research methods in public health research
  • Mixed-methods public health research, including integrated analysis of quantitative and qualitative research
  • Promotion of inclusion of marginalised groups in public health research, including co-production of knowledge