P017: Internet Technologies

Course Synopsis · Assessment · Lecture Notes · Practical Handouts · Suggested Reading · Student Projects

Course Synopsis

The delivery of content and information via electronic communication is becoming increasingly dynamic and device-driven. This course introduces students to the basic concepts of markup (including the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language XHTML), website structuring and design, and the issues involved in generating and delivering content dynamically. Topics include the syntax of hypertext markup, cascading stylesheets, SQL, database design and integration, manipulation of images, site structuring, visual design and user interaction.

By the end of the module students will have an understanding of how content can be ported across different environments. They will be able to create valid hypertext documents and apply appropriate styling, write SQL statements to interrogate databases via a Web front-end and deliver documents over the Web to different devices. They will also be able to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of website design and implementation, especially as regards usability and accessibility for different audiences.

This module is compulsory for students undertaking the Masters degree in Electronic Communication and Publishing, and Information Science.


This module is assessed by coursework only, giving 10 credits. The coursework consists of two parts: a web resource, and an associated essay which gives a commentary on the design and implementation of the web resource. A full specification on what is required for the assessment is available here (MS Word, 29KB), and a courseplan is also available. Students will also be expected to have completed all of the practical sessions.

Lecture Notes

Practical Handouts

Suggested Reading

Suggested Textbooks

In the library

Web Resources

Student Projects



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