
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Post-doctoral Research Fellowships at IAS

23 September 2024

The IAS hosts postdoctoral fellows working on interdisciplinary topics in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Apply by 27 October 2024.

students studying in UCL main library

The IAS hosts postdoctoral fellows working on interdisciplinary topics in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. If your work does not fit easily into a discipline-based department,  you would be welcome to get in touch to explore the possibility of being based in our research community, which has research staff and visiting researchers from all over the world.  If you are interested in working with one of our specialist Research Centres, please indicate which one. 

The Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship scheme is the next opportunity. Details can be found here: https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/early-career-fellowships

There will be an internal selection process, first in IAS and then at Faculty level, to identify which applications can go forward to the Trust. Further details here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/social-historical-sciences/study/scholarships-funding/leverhulme-trust-early-career-fellowship

If you would like to apply through IAS, please send the following materials, using minimum font size 11, to Lucy Stagg (lucy.stagg@ucl.ac.uk) by midnight on Sunday 27 October 2024:

  1. a short c.v. (no more than 2 sides of A4)
  2. a list of your major publications (maximum 1 side— please do not include book reviews)
  3. a statement of your current research (maximum 250 words)
  4. a detailed research proposal (maximum 2 sides, including bibliographical references).