
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Gender and Feminisms Research Network

The network brings together scholars and students at UCL and beyond, working across the arts, humanities and social and political sciences. Our aim is to explore the points where gender and feminist politics intersect with a diverse range of power relations and social movements. We also want to support broader EDI initiatives at UCL, working towards social change and widening access to research on gender and sexual diversity.

To find out more about the GFRN, host an event or get involved in the network's activities, please email ucl.gfrn@ucl.ac.uk


The Lives of Statues - Adored, Ignored, Abhorred?

In follow-up to this lecture, we present a conversation with Rao and inclusive heritage specialist Sean Curran.

In this episode, Rao and Curran expand on the central question of the lecture: what is it about statues that has spooked people in the past enough to arouse in them the impulse to destroy?

SoundCloud Widget Placeholderhttps://soundcloud.com/ucl-advanced-studies/think-pieces-podcast-the-liv...