
Integrated Screening Outcomes Surveillance Service


Annual Reports


The NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Programme ISOSS HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B reports are available covering pregnancies booked in 2021-2022.  These can be accessed at GOV.UK


2023 Reports

These reports focus on pregnancies to women who screened positive for HIV, syphilis and HBV and booked for antenatal care in England from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

ISOSS HIV outcome report 2023 - HTML

ISOSS Syphilis outcome report 2023 - HTML 

ISOSS Hepatitis B outcome report 2023 - HTML


2022 Reports

These publications include:

  • Overview of pregnancies booked in 2020 to women screening positive for HIV and syphilis and infant outcomes
  • Review of all HIV and syphilis vertical transmissions to date as reviewed by the Clinical Expert Review Panel

ISOSS HIV report 2022 - HTML

ISOSS syphilis report 2022 - HTML


2021 Reports

These publications include:

  • 2021 annual report showing outcomes for the infectious disease in pregnancy screening (IDPS) programme for screen positive women and vertical transmissions
  • a retrospective review of congenital syphilis infections between January 2015 and June 2019

ISOSS HIV report 2021 - HTML

ISOSS congenital syphilis report 2015 to 2020 - HTML


ISOSS Annual Reports Page Image jpeg file