
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Price List

TestsService included in the TestUnit


Cut-up and processing of tissueRegistration of demographic data and allocation of number, description, cut-up, cassette printing.Block£ 6.80
Sectioning (unstained)Slide labelling; 1 section per slide.Slide£ 1.80
H&E stainingDewax, stain, mount with coverslip.Slide£ 2.50
Special stainsDewax, stain, mount with coverslip. for example, Cresyl Violet, Luxol fast blue, Reticulin,Slide£ 5.90
Immunohistochemical stainDewax, stain with antibody, counterstain with haematoxylin, mount with coverslip.Slide£ 18.00
Optimisation of new antibodyTitration, retrieval methods (excluding antibody cost). Optimisation£ 220.00

High-resolution slide scanning

Scanners available:
Hamamatsu NanoZoomer S360
Hamamatsu NanoZoomer S60

Fluorescent Microscopy

Registration, scanning, storage and export. Storage of whole slide images on our UCL server.

Hamamatu S360: Brightfield standard slide size 25x75mm only
Hamamatu S60: Brightfield standard slide size 25x75mm, Jumbo slides 50x75mm, Fluorescent Standard or Jumbo

LEICA DM6B, please enquire for details

Brightfield standard slide***
Additional layer Z-Stack

Multichannel fluorescence standard slide (all channels)
Fluorescent Jumbo slide (all channels)

£ 2.00
£ 0.50

£ 6.25

£ 12.50

Storage of whole slide imagesStorage on UCL file serverSlide per yearno cost
Image analysis with QuPath

File management, slide QC, development and validation of analysis algorithm, slide analysis, data processing, analysis summary report. Publication-ready data table and analysis summary report returned to the customer.

Hour£ 65.00
Research support 

Searches for antibodies, evaluation, reporting, and specialist/research consultation, discussion of results. Exception: named collaborations with FEC on grants. Technical support, such as dissection of tissues or organs; performing hands-on experiments such as spatial transcriptomic, in situ hybridisation, TUNEL stain, Frozen sectioning

Hour£ 55.00
Professional neuropathology assessment

Advice on biomarkers, classification or grading of diseases, neuropathological diagnosis of animal models. Histological assessment of human and experimental samples. Preparation, annotation of publication-ready panels, figure legends and results sections.
This applies to all assessments, collaborations, and is independent of co-authorship.
Exception: named collaborations with UCL-FEC on existing grants.

Hour£ 165.00
Semithin resin sections and electron microscopy

Technical support and prices please see our separate website:




* All prices are ex-VAT.
Antibodies can be provided by the customer or purchased by us.
Only UCL-internal orders (IDT), and research collaborations on joint grants are VAT Exempt. 

Industry projects: 35% in addition to the net prices listed above. Please enquire with seval.erdogan.21@ucl.ac.uk, or UCL.IQPath@ucl.ac.uk  


Prices for work carried out in the accredited NHS Neuropathology laboratory 

Service elementDetails of service                             
Booking in fresh tissueRegistration of demographic data and allocation of number, description, cutup, Cassette printing, tissue processingCase £    41.00 
Booking in BlockRegistration of demographic data and allocation of number, descriptionCase £    24.00 
Re-embedding wax blockMelting, new casting and cassette labellingBlock £      6.80 
Section unstainedSlide labelling; 1 Section per slideSlide £      1.80 
H&E stainingDewax, stain, mount with coverslipSlide £    18.00 
Immunohisto- chemical stain Dewax, stain, mount with coverslip (plus antibody*)Slide £    36.00 
Optimisation of new antibodyTitration, retrieval methods (plus antibody cost)Antibody £  220.00 
High-resolution slide scanningRegistration, scanning, storage and export  Includes 1 month storageStandard Slide £      2.00 
High-resolution slide scanning JumboRegistration, scanning, storage and export  Includes 1 month storageJumbo Slide £      6.50 
Image analysisTissue annotation, Selection of regions of interest, marker identification, quantification and data output, publication-readyHour £    65.00 
Research Support (Neuropathologist academic time)Full scientific analysis and reporting of results, figures, text writingHour £  165.00 
Setup and registrationRegistration and setup of experiments, for small sample sizes (less than 20 slides/ blocks/ tests/ scans)Unit £    35.00 
Research Support Searches for antibodies, evaluation, reporting, and specialist/research consultation, discussion of results Hour £    55.00 
Arrangement of MTA with UCLHEntering data, correspondence with UCL-B and requesterper MTA £    55.00 
Shipment and packaging FFPE, Slides, documentsPlacing blocks and slides in suitable containers, mailing, including UK postage Royal mailper package £    25.00 
Screening of surgical case and block selection as requestedHistological assessment, screening of regions for tissue adaequacy and entering request on LIMSper case £      8.00 
Screening and block in complex cases, usually autopsyHistological assessment, screening of regions for tissue adaequacy and entering request on LIMS (alternatively consultant time)per case £    16.00 
Retrieval of a complete case from the archive for review 2006+entering retrieval request on LIMS, placing retrieval flag, assorting on tray for histological assessment case £    12.00 
Freezing of sample into NP archiveLabelling, recording on LIMS, maintenance in Liquid nitrogencase £    85.00 
Frozen material biopsy sample 200mgRetrieval, arrangements for shipment, no molecular data (meningioma, Schwannoma, Met)case £  300.00 
Frozen material biopsy sample 200mgRetrieval, WITH molecular data (Gliomas) and all samples for CLINICAL use (ISO15189)case £  500.00 
Frozen material biopsy shipment UK+EUCourier arrangements, dry ice, liaise with recipient, customs. UK only, correspondencecase £  150.00