
Information Services Division


Project Gateways

Gates are formal checkpoints at the start/end of each stage. The purpose of gates is to:

  • Minimise project risk by using formal checklists at each gate
  • Reduce delivery cycle time—getting it done right the first time
  • Check delivery is on track
  • Determine whether the project meets the criteria, receive formal sign-off and acceptance to continue into the next stage
  • Assure information is communicated to the correct stakeholders (i.e. Project hands over to Operations).

A project cannot proceed to the next stage until the previous gate has been successfully transitioned.

Drivers, Gatekeepers and Approvers

The table below describes the roles required at each gate:

DriverThe Driver is the individual who will go to the Gate to seek approval to proceed to the next stage. It is important for the Driver to prepare in advance so that there are no surprises for the Gate keeper.
 ApproverThe Approver(s) will sign off the products as listed in the Checklist for each gate.

The Gate keeper gives approval for a project to transition a gate. They need to challenge, be agile and quick about it otherwise money will be spent whilst waiting for a decision. Gatekeepers are not technology or software development experts - they are signing something as "worth spending the money on" or signing to say “it can go into service”. Gatekeepers will not check that the product exists, the quality or the detail of the product. They will not know or ask if testing has been successful, how many software bugs exist, are the workarounds documented or have they got enough floorwalkers to cover the go-live event, etc. The Gate keeper will look to the “Approver” for confirmation that these various items have been signed off.

Funding will only be released upon Gatekeeper approval.

You can view the matrix for the whole checklist [.pptx] and for each gate there is a checklist of products that need to be completed to progress to the next phase.

Gate 1 - Proposal stage to Start-Up

Gate 2 - Start-Up to Project Initiation

Gate 3 - Project Initiation to Managing Solution Delivery

Gate 4 - Managing Solution Delivery to Go-Live & Handover

Gate 5 - Go-Live and Handover to Project Closure

Gate 6 - Project Closure to Ongoing