
Information Services Division


How Do I?

How do I transition a Gate?

Work on gate transition will need to start well in advance, to ensure the project does not run in to financial deficit.

To transition a gate a project must have completed all mandatory products and conditional products as documented in the projects Required Products Checklist for the current stage.

The roles and responsibilities for gate transition and product approval can be found on the Gate pages.

The documents containing those products must then be approved and passed with completed checklist for that gate to the Gatekeeper. Approval needs to be written, but could be in the form of minutes or an email for example.

Gathering approval should begin with talking to the people with approval responsibility and ensuring they are happy with documents before they are presented to the Project Executive or other senior stakeholders for formal approval.

Once the Gatekeeper has agreed that the documentation is present and correct, they should send the project documents, checklist and approvals to the Portfolio Management Office (if the PMO is not the Gatekeeper) for storage and funds release.

How do I start a project?

Is it a Standard or Large project?

Yes: most Standard and Large projects will use the Project Delivery Framework, with the exception of Estates Projects which ISD are involved in.

No: small projects and those funded from the minor works budget do not have to use the Project Delivery Framework, although the templates could still be useful as well as the basic elements of the lifecycle.

Minor Works are funded through a Portfolio Management Office Minor Works process.

Getting started with the Project Delivery Framework.

The Project Delivery Manager (PDM) for the relevant domain is responsible for assigning a Project Manager to begin the Start-up Stage.

The PDM will take advice from the ISD Domain Group Lead on the right time to get things going.

The Project must have been allocated funds within the approved Portfolio for the current Financial year for the project to commence.

The Project can then pass through Gate 1 and in to the first stage of the Project Delivery Framework: Start Up Stage.

Start up and Project Initiation Stages

The Start Up Stage is a short scoping and feasibility stage which will be 1-6 weeks in duration and will assess whether the project is valid.

Is the output still required?

Is the outcome achievable within the time and budget constraints laid out within the bid?

The main deliverables are

- Project Brief, incorporating an Outline Business Case and Risk & Issue Register

- Plan for Initiation Stage

- Financial Plan and Resource Matrix

- Required Products Checklist, outlining which of the Framework products are likely to apply to this project

- Proposal (revised or original if no changes since Gate 1)

- Where relevant, Technical Assessment, Procurement Assessment and Service Description.

The Project Initiation Stage is expected to analyse requirements, offer solutions and plan how these can be delivered within time and budget constraints.

This Stage represents a standard set of activities preceding both single-stage and multi-stage projects – providing products formative to the solution/ service being delivered.

The main deliverables are

- The PID (Project Initiation Documentation) bundles the information which was acquired through the Start-Up and Project Initiation stages. The PID represents the plan of approach for the project;

- Requirements Documentation articulating the requirements at each level as applies, e.g. Business Requirements/ Technical Requirements;

- High Level Design - activities and products required to define a solution’s high level design. Activities and documentation concerned with procurement of additional services or products required to support the project.

- Project Plan & Next Stage Plan

- Financial Plan

- Proposal (revised or original if no changes since Gate 2)

At this point in the project Monthly Project Progress Reports will be required by the Portfolio Management Office, continuing throughout the remainder of the life of the project.