Notice Board (last updated: 23rd July 2024) contact us

The purpose of this website is to help with the administratrial aspects of the MCC. If you want to learn more about the MCC, please visit

Rules on who can and how to join the MCC - Info for how members can get an account

Materials Chemistry Annual Conference Our seventh conference will take place July 3rd-5th 2024 in Daresbury. This year we will devote one session to celebrating 30 years of the MCC.

Allocations: The new tighter constraints imposed on HEC consortia during phase 2 (cf phase 1) of total usage on ARCHER has resulted in a modified timetable of MCC meetings, and therefore lengths over which individual projects should run. Importantly, any resources left at the end of June and December is lost and our total usage should be at a constant rate. This is imposed to discourage hording that leads to long queues near the end of an allocation period. The MCC applies the policy that any individual budget deemed to be underused may be reduced to maximise the benefit of ARCHER2 to our community. Likewise, time allocation periods on YOUNG is outside of our control; so the same rules apply here accept that allocation periods typically change on the first working Monday January, April, July, and October. Pro-rata gold will be allocated in each time period. We will be especially critical (and proactive) if MCC's total spend on either ARCHER2 or YOUNG is below that expected.

Winter General Meetings: online, Tuesday 30th January 2024 (Agenda). The format of these meetings held every January will follow a similar format (with the committee meeting taking place in the previous week, after which we aim to email any queries raised to individuals concerned before the start of the main meeting with the aim of addressing all queries by the end of January).
Summer General Meetings: The next meeting will follow on from our Conference, i.e. Friday 5th July 2024 (Agenda). The format of this meeting will follow a similar format to that used previously when held in-person at UCL, and more details will be confirmed later. The committee meeting will take place in the previous week, after which we intend to email any queries raised to individuals concerned before the start of the main meeting with the aim of addressing all queries by the end of July.

General Applications from full MCC members for HEC resources for the period: 1st August 2024 to 31st January 2025. Please assume that we have the same allocation for this six-month period to distribute as compared with the current six-month allocation period for YOUNG and ARCHER2.

Call opens: 1st June 2024
Call ends: 4pm Tuesday 18th June 2024

Note that we will have the same budget to distribute on both ARCHER2 and YOUNG and, given the previous demand from standard proposals nearly matched our total budget, there will be no more GC calls and any increase in a group's total request will need to be fully justified as we do not have any headroom for significant increases. Please note that increases will be based on the difference between what groups request now and were awarded last July for Aug 23 - Jan 24 , as increases in the last allocation period were more uneven than usual given some (and not all) groups may have preempted there would be no GC call. As always, all proposals received will be posted online for the MCC committee and any member to review - please send questions and comments you have to our mcc inbox. Once the science and justification for requests have been approved, then if there is a small overdemand I will apply a small scaling and later try to find the remaining CU from any underspend; if there is a large overdemand then the MCC committee will be asked to help find where to make reductions that will cause the least impact.

As usual, proposals should use the standard template and be sent to with one completed group summary form (see Applications for national HPC time). If submitting more than one proposal within a theme, please concatenate the proposals in that theme into one document so that the first page contains the proposal requesting the most time resources, followed, on a new page, by the next most time resource request, etc. Within the group summary form, your group members requiring access to any time allocated must be listed in the table as I will be removing all connections at the end of this current period. Recent publications, qualifications and destinations of your group (which/who benefited from access to ARCHER2/YOUNG) are NOT required in this form but should be added to our google form. The information for the google forms is no longer required on the proposals nor on the group summary form but is very important this information is up-to-date as we need to compete an annual report to EPSRC in January and also this information is used in our completion of Researchfish. To help in this endeavour we also require an annual summary per theme from each group by the end of October using this template, where additional information and instructions can also be found.

Please note:

a) Within "justification for resources" please use CU and Gold as units for Archer2 and Young, respectively.
b) For "Total CU or Gold (MAU) request" near the top of your proposal, please also enter MAU within brackets after the request in CU or Gold. Use the following exchange rates: 1 CU = 1.5156k AU and 66.7 Gold = 1k AU. For example, if you request 500 CU, then please write 5,000 CU (7.578M AU).
c) The line for Group Cap etc. has changed to "Group Request (MAU)", "Previous Group Allocation(MAU)", and "If request much greater or less than previous request, please provide brief details why", as going forward we want to be more flexible to members' needs. Do not include what you submit for the Grand Challenge Project in your total for Group Request.
d) Submit as a pdf (for uploading onto our website) uisng the correct filename, which starts with the theme and ends with your group code. For example, if your group code is xyz and the theme is power, then the filename will be power-xyz.pdf

A few reminders when completing the group summary form (template has not changed)

a) Enter requests in units of kAU (using the following exchange rates: 1 CU = 1.5156k AU and 66.7 Gold = 1k AU)
b) If you request gold and CU for a project, then enter the name of the project twice (once for each request)
c) To request ARCHER2 time enter "1" within the column headed "Tier 1/2", "2" for YOUNG and "3" for GW4 requests
d) Do not include carriage returns as these will cause a problem when merging group summary forms (which, if not spotted, will result in no time resources appearing in the column I use to allocate resources
e) Submit as a Word document (for easy merging into our Master document)

Finally, in January of each year, please remember to update the Google Docs with details of publications, qualifications gained (MSc and PhDs) and destinations (UKRI are keen to learn about careers of our team members).

Acknowledgements: When publishing work that benefited from resources allocated by the MCC: please include the following acknowledgment 'Via our membership of the UK's HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EPSRC (EP/X035859), this work used the ' followed by the appropriate acknowledgement: 'ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service (' for ARCHER2, 'the UK Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub for computational resources, MMM Hub, which is partially funded by EPSRC (EP/T022213)' for YOUNG, and 'the UK Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub for computational resources, MMM Hub, which is partially funded by EPSRC (EP/W032260)' for the GPU nodes of YOUNG.

If space is limited, please ensure the name of the HEC platform, the phrase "Materials Chemistry Consortium" and *most importantly* any relevant EPSRC grant numbers are acknowledged.

For posters and talks, please include our logo.

All published work supported by CoSeC (software support of DL_POLY, ChemShell, Crystal, for example) should carry the following acknowledgment: 'This work made use of computational support by CoSeC, the Computational Science Centre for Research Communities, which was made available through our membership of the MCC HEC'. You may want to add any relevant CCP, or example' and CCP5'

When searching the literature, older work may include references to "THOMAS", "HECToR" and "HPCx" and refer to funding by EPSRC with grant references of EP/P020194 for THOMAS, and EP/D504872, EP/F067496, EP/L000202, EP/R029431 for Tier-1 HPC resources.

Themed and Special Issues of MCC work: We have periodically organised a special issue of a high quality journal in order to help showcase the quality and board range of research undertaken by members, which required the use of HEC resources. Hyperlinks to these are given below on the right hand side under links to a list of our publications. A big thank you to all members who submitted manuscript(s) to these special issues.


Documents (restricted access)

Agenda July 13 2021, 10:30-15:00

Example agendas:
Agenda January 25 2021, 10:00-15:30
July 20 July 18 Dec 16 July 16
July 15 July 14 Apr 14 May 13
Oct 11 Nov 10 May 10 Dec 03

How members can get an account on ARCHER2 or YOUNG

MCC Outputs

ARCHER (2013-18)

Hector (2007-13)
HPCx (2003-06)
CSAR (2000-03)


Presentations (2007-2013)

An alternative photographic insight


2015-20 and Pre-2015

Special/Themed Issues
Roy Proc A July 2023 (381) 2250
click here

PCCP 16 2014

Roy Proc A July 2011
Overview Contents

J Mat Chem 16 20 2006
Overview Contents (1.6Mb)