Jamaica Trelawny 30 (Mount Pleasant Pen)

19th Oct 1835 | 89 Enslaved | £1598 5s 10d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 75.

T71/874: claim from William Miller, of Trelawny, as executor and trustee of Charles Lewis. William Miller returned to London and gave evidence to the Select Committee. He claimed no beneficial interest in enslaved persons other than a few domestics.

T71/1608: letter, dated 03/05/1834, from Wm. Pell, St Paul's churchyard, stating his concern for the residuary legatee in Ireland of Charles Lewis (who died June 1832). Anxiety about sending money to Jamaica: 'I understand a most respectable gentleman', 'I do not mean anything offensive to Mr Miller; nor indicative of any doubts of his integrity or honour'.

T71/1592: letter, dated 05/05/1834, to Wm. Bell [sic], on behalf of the residuary legatees of Chas. Lewis Esq., late of Jamaica, stating: 'due regard will be had to your representations'.

Further Information

Claim No.
Mount Pleasant Pen
Collected by
Miller, William

Associated Individuals (2)

Beneficiary deceased (Owner-in-fee)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)

Associated Estates (1)