Jamaica Trelawny 210 (Duff House)

20th Mar 1837 | 47 Enslaved | £1095 13s 8d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 307.

T71/874: claim by James Murray and Thomas Willis, as executors of the late Geo. Huie. Counterclaim from 'Robt John Harper, New Lodge, Suffolk (= Staffordshire), Committee of John Houston a lunatic for about £1000 under order dated 5th June 1826'.

T71/1592: letter from Mrs Eliza Fraser (late Bellinger) re. the counterclaimant of Morningside, Edinburgh (Scotland) on this claim (p. 197 and p. 317).

T71/1608: steady correspondence from Eliza Fraser re. process, seeking annuity, and also letters from W. Maconochie in pursuit of Eliza Fraser.

T71/242: enslaved persons were registered in 1832 by James Murray, as attorney to Geo. Huie.

T71/1608: letters, dated 18/08/1835 and 06/08/1835, from John Flowers, Litchfield (Staffordshire), re. John Flowers acting for Mr Harper. (Filed as St Elizabeth  claim no. 281, dated  under Trelawny).

T71/1608: letter, dated 06/08/1835, stating that John Flowers, through the advice of Mr Burge, is about to proceed to Jamaica.

T71/1608: letter, dated 05/12/1836, stating that he is back from Jamaica.

Further Information

Claim No.
Duff House

Associated Individuals (6)

Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Beneficiary unsuccessful
Beneficiary deceased
Unsuccessful claimant
Unsuccessful claimant (Committee)

Associated Estates (1)