
Global Attributes Transcription Attributes Bibliographical Attributes Pointer Attributes Attributes for Times and Dates Text Division Attributes Attributes for Tables and Figures Miscellaneous

Global Attributes

Global Attributes can be used on all elements within the LEADERS TEI DTD.


Usage This attribute is used to supply a unique identification code for the contents of the element. This aids reference and enables linkages to be created.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents ID
Attribute Type Global

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Usage This provides a number for the given element to aid identification in conjunction with the ID attribute.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Global

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Usage This attribute denotes the language in which the contents of the element are written. The attribute values are a series of codes representing the language for example "spa" indicates that the contents are in Spanish.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Global

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Usage This attribute indicates whether the contents of the element should be rendered in a particular format, such as bold, italics or underlined.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Global

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Usage This unique addition by the LEADERS Project allows the layers of text within a document to be numbered. This attribute aids the indication of which layer the textual contents belong.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Global

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Usage This attribute is very flexible and the nature of the values of the type attribute varies depending upon to which element it is attached. For example, when combined with the <name> element, the type attribute values can be "person" or "place". However, when used with the <del> element, the type attribute denotes an "overstrike" etc.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Global

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Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Global

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Transcription Attributes

These attributes appear on elements used to aid in the transcription of documents.


Usage This attribute is used within the LEADERS created element <referredTo> within the <leadersTeiHead>. This attribute denotes the role of the person who is manipulating the text nand also the language in which it is written.
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents Choice of "Encoder", "SourceCreator", "SourceContributer" or "SourceLanguage".
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage When this attribute is used with the <distinct> element, it specifies how the element contents are unique with regard to usage within time. In other words, this element describes how a word or phrase has changed linguistically over time.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute is also used with the <distinct> element and denotes how a word or phrase has changed meaning over time.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute when used with <distinct> indicates how a word or phrase has been reused as society evolves over time.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage When used with the <reg> element, this attribute contains the original form of the word that has been regularised within the element content.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute is used with the <orig> element to denote a regularised form of a word that is given in its old or slang form.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage The resp attribute is used with multiple transcription elements to denote the person who changed or edited a text during transcription. This attribute can be found on the <orig>, <reg>, <gap>, <del>, &addSpan; and <unclear> elements as well as many others.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Usually IDREF, but sometimes CDATA.
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This is used with the <gap> element to explain why there is a gap within the transcription. Typical values include "damaged" or"illegible". When used with the <supplied> element, this attribute indicates why the text needed to be added (eg, illegible or damaged etc),
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute is used on many transcription elements (<gap>, <add>, <del>, <restore>, <damage>, <delSpan> etc) to signify a change in hand writing within the original text. This may thereby indicate responsibility for any deletions or additions to the text.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This is used with the <gap> element, the <supplied> element, the <damage> element and the <unclear> element to describe any damage to the original text by any known cause.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage When used with the <gap> element, the <damage> element or the <space> element this attribute indicates the extent of the damage or omission of the text.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage When used on <add>, <del>, <expan>, <abbr>, <restore>, <addSpan>, <delSpan> and <unclear> elements this attribute indicates the certainty of the transcriber of the hand-writing that has been identified.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This is used with the <add> and <addSpan> elements to express where the addition has been made. For example above or below the line, in the right or left margin etc.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage When used with the <del> and <delSpan> elements, this attribute is used to denote incorrect deletions.
Requirement Unspecified.
Contents CDATA
Default is "unremarkable".
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute is used with the <abbr> element to provide an expanded form of an abbreviation.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute is used to define an abbreviated form of an <expan> (expanded) element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage When used on the <addSpan> and <delSpan> elements, the to attributes marks the end of an additional or deleted piece of text. This attribute points to the empty element marking the end of this section.
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This is used within the <restore> element to give a description of the restoration of the text.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute is used with the <supplied> element and identifies the source of the added text.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage The dim or dimension attribute indicates the dimensions of the space within the text.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Choice "horizontal" or "vertical".
Attribute Type Transcription

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Usage This attribute is used in conjunction with the <damage> element and signifies the amount of damage to the text (often represented as a percentage).
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Transcription

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Bibliographical Attributes

The following attributes are used on elements relating to either strict bibliographical citation structures or bibliographical elements within a text, such as a title page or quotation. These are separated in this attribute library by the Attribute Type value with the tables. The formal bibliographic structures are indicated with the value "Citation" and the textual bibliographical elements are denoted by the phrase "Text Content".


Usage This is used with the <q> element to specify whether the quotation is in the form of direct or indirect speech.
Requirement Unspecified
Contents Choice of "y", "n" or "unspecified".
"unspecified" is the default value.
Attribute Type Text Content

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Usage This is used with the <q> element if the speech is direct. If this is the case, then the speaker's name is inserted into this attribute.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Text Content

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Usage When used with the <sic> element this attribute contains the correct word or phrase that within the element itself has been misspelled or misquoted.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Text Content

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Usage This is used with the <corr> element to represent an original incorrect spelling which has been corrected within the element content.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Text Content

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Usage Used within the <sic> and <corr> elements, this identifies the person responsible for the corrections made to the text.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Text Content

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Usage This is used with the <sic> and <corr> elements to denote the certainty with which the editor has changed any words or phrases. This is given as a numerical value out of ten.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Text Content

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Usage This is used as an attribute value on the element of the same name to specify the number of the index if there are several.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Text Content

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level1, level2, level3 and level4

Usage These four attributes are used with the <index> element to specify levels of index entry (first-level entry, second-level entry etc.).
Requirement level1 is #REQUIRED.
All others are #IMPLIED.
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Text Content

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Usage Used within <bibl>, <biblStruct>, <biblFull> and <listBibl>, this attribute indicates whether upon selecting the parent element, the current element is also selected.
Requirement Unspecified
Contents Choice "YES" or "NO".
Default is "NO".
Attribute Type Citation

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Usage This attribute may be present within the <editor> element in order to indicate the responsibility of the person making amendments (eg translator, editor, or compiler).
Requirement Unspecified
Contents CDATA. Default is "editor".
Attribute Type Citation

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Usage This is used with the <title> element to denote the level of the heading.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Choice of "a" - analytic title
"m" - monographic title
"s" - series title
"u" - title of unpublished material
Attribute Type Citation

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Usage Used within <pubPlace>, this attribute defines a unique id for the place of publication.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Citation

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Usage Used within <pubPlace>, this attribute shows a regularised form of the place of publication.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Citation

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Usage Within the <docDate> element the value attribute indicates the value of the date of the text in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Citation

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Pointer Attributes

This attribute class represents attributes which are commonly found on pointing and linking elements.


Usage This attribute is used to contain a code representing the person who facilitated the link.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Pointer and ************

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Usage This indicates the date upon which the link was created, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This attribute indicates the type of element that the target of the link or pointer is.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This attribute specifies whether multiple targets have to be linked in any given order.
Requirement Choice, the default value is "U"
Contents "U" Unspecified
"Y" Yes
"N" No
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This attribute allows the encoder to indicate the meaning of a pointer that points to another pointer. In short, the relationship between the links is defined in this attribute.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Either "all", which indicates the pointer pointing to another element that is a pointer and so on until it reaches an element that is not a pointer.
Or "one" which points to an element even if it is a pointer itself.
Or "none" which specifies that no further evaluation is required and just points to the element specified regardless of its status.
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This attribute is used to denote the target element. This attribute is used on the <gloss> element to denote the <term> element to which it refers. Similarly, this attribute is used on the <ptr> and <ref> elements to specify the target of the pointer or reference. This attribute is used in an identical way with <note>
Requirement #IMPLIED when used with <gloss> and <note>.
#REQUIRED when used with <ptr> and <ref>.
Contents IDREFS
Attribute Type Pointer.

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Usage Not to be confused with the target attribute, this attribute points to multiple targets and is used with the <link> element. The targets are placed within the attribute and separated by white space.
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents IDREFS
Attribute Type Pointer.

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Usage This attribute denotes the area of the document in which all target elements appear and is used with the <linkGrp>, <altGrp> and <joinGrp> elements.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREFS
Attribute Type Pointer.

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Usage This attribute indicates the function of the target attributes contained within the <linkGrp>, <altGrp> and <joinGrp> elements. The <linkGrp>, <altGrp> and <joinGrp> elements may contain multiple <alt>, <link> and <join> elements and hence why this attribute is used exclusively with these three elements.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This attribute used within the context of the <xref> and <xptr> elements refers to the scope of the section of the text to which the reference is pointing. This is used in conjunction with the to attribute.
Requirement Unspecified.
Contents CDATA
Default value is ROOT.
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage Used with the from attribute with <xref> and <xptr>. See above.
Requirement Unspecified.
Contents CDATA
Default is DITTO.
Attribute Type Pointer.

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Usage This attribute is used with the <join> and <joinGrp> elements to denote the result of the multiple pointers and linkages that have been gathered together.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This is used with the <join> and <joinGrp> elements and contains a summary of the elements that have been joined together.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This attribute describes the scope of the element to be joined, in other words whether it is the element including the child elements or just the child elements alone. This attribute is only used with the <join> element.
Requirement Unspecified
Contents Choice "Root" which is also the Default value
Or "branches>.
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage The mode attribute is used with the <alt> and <altGrp> elements. This states whether the values are inclusive or exclusive. In other words, this attribute with the exclusive value indicates that only one change within the textual contents of the elements has been made. The inclusive attribute value indicates that one or more changes have been made within the text.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Choice of "excl" or "incl>.
Attribute Type Pointer.

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Usage This is used with the <alt> only. This attribute is used if the mode attribute has a value of excl and then the weights attribute specifies the probability that the textual alternative could occur. This is measured on a scale of 0 to 1 or 1 to 100%.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Pointer

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Usage This attribute is used with the <alt> and <altGrp> elements only and is used to denote the scale used in the weights attribute value. The real scale is 0 to 1 and the percentage scale is 1 to 100.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Either "real" or "perc".
Attribute Type Pointer

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Attributes for Times and Dates

These attributes are ones commonly used with all manner of elements relating to the description of time and date phrases.


Usage It must be pointed out that when used with the <time> element, the global attribute type has a slightly different content model. The type attribute in this case offered a choice of values as can be seen below.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Choice of "am", "pm", "24hour" or "descriptive>.
Attribute Type Time

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Usage This is used with the <time> element to represent the time zones. This attribute can contain a word, phrase or place name to indicate the time zone.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Time

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Usage This attribute contains a concrete value with the <when> element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Time

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Usage This is used within the <when> and <timeline> elements to specify a time unit (eg second or minute).
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Time

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Usage This attribute is used to denote a time interval as a numerical value. It can be used with the <when> and <timeline> elements.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Time

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Usage This is used with a <when> and points to another <when> element in the time line. This difference between the two <when> values should give the interval attribute value.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Time

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Usage When used with the <timeline> element this indicates the time at which the timeline begins.
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents IDREF
Attribute Type Time

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Usage This is used within both time and date elements. When used it represents the numerical value of the element. In the case of use with a date element, the value is displayed YYYY-MM-DD. When used with a time, the value is displayed as hh:mm.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Time and Date.

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Usage This attribute is used within the <timeRange> and <dateRange> elements to describe a range of times or dates and contains values in the form of YYYY-MM-DD or hh:mm.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Time and Date

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Usage This is used with the <from> attribute to describe a time or date range (see above).
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Time and Date

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Usage This is used with <dateRange> and <timeRange> to denote how precise the dates and times are that are expressed in the to and from attributes.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents Choice between "to", "from", "both" or "none".
Attribute Type Time and Date.

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Usage This attribute indicates the type of calendar which is being used, for example Julian or Gregorian.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Date

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Usage This denotes the level of certainty attached to the date. For example, attribute values might be "circa", "approx" or "after".
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Date

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Text Division Attributes

These attributes are found on the higher level elements that often divide large sections of text.


Usage This attribute occurs on most higher level elements including <text>, <body>, <group> and all the <div> elements (but not <divGen>). This attribute identifies any declarable elements within the header, in other words elements that pertain to the current element. The content of the decls attribute is therefore a series of declarable elements.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREFS
Attribute Type Text Divisions.

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Usage The org attribute appears on all the <div> elements (but not <divGen>). This attribute indicates whether the content of the element is structured or not.
Requirement Unspecified
Contents Choice of "composite" (no sequence within the content) or "uniform" (structured content).
The Default value is uniform.
Attribute Type Text Divisions

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Usage This attribute is used on all <div> elements (but not <divGen>). It shows whether the textual section is a sample of the whole and if so, what material is displayed.
Requirement Unspecified
Contents Choice "initial"- section lacks material at end
"medial"- material lacking at beginning and end.
"final" - material missing from the beginning.
"complete" - not a sample
The Default value is "complete".
Attribute Type Text Divisions

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Usage This attribute is used to define whether a text has any more divisions within it of any kind, such as a poem with multiple stanzas or a short novel with several chapters. It is used with all <div> elements except <divGen>.
Requirement Unspecified.
Contents Choice "Y" - it is divided
"N" - not divided or no statement is made about its state of completeness
"M" - divided in the middle
"I" - divided at the beginning
"F" - divided at the end
The Default value is "N".
Attribute Type Text Divisions.

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Attributes for Tables, Numbers and Figures

These attributes are ones that are found within table and figure elements.


Usage This attribute is used within the <table> and <cell> elements only and may contain a numerical value to indicate the the number of rows present within the table.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This denotes the number of columns within a table and can be used with the <table> and <cell> elements.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This is used with the <row> and <cell> elements to indicate the information type within that row or cell.
Requirement Unspecified
Contents CDATA
Default value is "data".
Attribute Type Table

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Usage This describes the formal notation used within the <formula> element.
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Numerical

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Usage This attribute is used with the <num> element to denote a numerical value.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Numerical

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Usage This attribute denotes a unique identifier for the <measure> element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Numerical

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Usage This attribute displays a regularised form used within the <measure> element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Numerical

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Usage This is used with the <figure> element to specify the location of the image file relating to that figure. This attribute would therefore contain a URL.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Figure

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Miscellaneous attributes.


Usage The key attribute is used to give a unique ID reference code to any <name> element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage This attribute, when used with <name> element, denotes a regularly form of a person, place or corporate name.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage When this attribute is used within <note> or <fw>, it indicates the place where the note or running header appears.
Requirement Unspecified
Contents CDATA
The Default value is "unspecified".
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage This attribute is used to specify whether a <note> element has a recognised position within the text (eg, like a footnote).
Requirement Unspecified
Contents CDATA
Choice "yes" or "no>.
The default value is "yes".
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage This attribute indicates the target of the <note> element.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREFS
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage When using the <note> element this indicates the end of the target of the note (see above).
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREFS
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage This is used on <milestone>, <pb>, <lb> and <cb> elements, all of which are empty. The attribute signifies which edition of the electronic text the break belongs to.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage The unit attribute is used on <milestone> only and indicates the textual unit that the <milestone> element is diving (eg a poem, a stanza, a scene etc).
Requirement #REQUIRED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage The <l> and <lg> elements may contain the part attribute, which indicates whether the line is complete or not. This attribute can also be used with the <seg> element and the <ab> element and in this case it indicates if the segment of text is complete or not.
Requirement Unspecified.
Contents Choice "Y" - Incomplete
"N" - Complete
"M" - middle part incomplete
"I" - beginning incomplete
"F" - end incomplete
The Default value is "N".
Attribute Type

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Usage When used with the <lg> element, this attribute indicates how the lines and content in general within the line group are organised.
Requirement Unspecified.
Contents Choice of "composite" (no sequence within the content) or "uniform" (structured content).
The Default value is uniform.
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage When used with <lg>, this attribute indicates whether the text is a sample or the whole.
Requirement unspecified
Contents Choice "initial"- section lacks material at end
"medial"- material lacking at beginning and end.
"final" - material missing from the beginning.
"complete" - not a sample
The Default value is "complete".
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage Within the speech or <sp> element, the who attribute indicates the speaker of the speech.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents IDREFS
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage When used with the <seg> element, this attribute indicates the function of the textual block.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Misc.

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Usage Within the elements <anchor> and <ab>, the subtype attribute defines a smaller category of the element if it needs to be broken down further.
Requirement #IMPLIED
Contents CDATA
Attribute Type Misc.

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