Design properties
- Name
- Music on the Agenda (MoA)
- Topic
- Multi-faceted approach, cross-curricular: English, other foreign languages, philosophy, social sciences, the arts, music
- Learning time
- Designed time
- 66 hours and 15 minutes
- Size of class
- 20
- Description
- MoA aims at developing ‚environmental literacy‘ in combination with musical education. The UN sustainable development goals served as a basis for our problem-based learning approach: Health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, reduced inequalities, climate action and life below water. Pupils acquired knowledge about authentic problems in the field of political/social/cultural/ecological environments, awareness was raised of the need for urgent action. Pupils developed civic competences which enabledsthem to engage for the UN agenda goals by transforming their understanding of the SDGs into an awareness campaign producing elevator pitches, songs, advertisements, radio commercials,interviews and publishing their campaign via public channels: podcasts, ebook, TikTok videos.
- Mode of delivery
- Blended
- Aims
- MoA aims at teaching ‚environmental literacy‘ by widening pupils‘ awareness about existing problems in the world and by confronting them with the UN‘s sustainable development goals. It is meant to foster civic competence so that pupils contribute to the dissemination and achievement of the UN agenda goals. The project develops sensitivity to the cultural importance of music in the communication of socio-political concerns and enables pupils to participate in the public discourse by writing protest songs and by distributing them publicly and with effective song promotion means.
- Outcomes
- Knowledge Pupils learn more about the problems in the world and about the UN agenda 2030.
- Comprehension Pupils understand the relationship between some charity organizations, NGOs, political institutions, their function in achieving the SDG goals and explore the socio-political function of music.
- Describe reasons for Pupils investigate their SDG goal and analyse and describe why this goal is important.
- Analysis Analyse the causes for so many problems by doing research and writing an elevator pitch.
- Affective learning outcomes Pupils are involved emotionally when they turn their SDG into a song and will feel more responsible as global citizens.
- Compose Pupils compose a protest song and promote it.
- Editor
- BeatePBL
Timeline controls
Ice-breaking activity
360 minutes)
Discuss604Discuss the relevance of music with your partners on the Twinspace in the forum. Talk about your music preferences, what music means to you.
Collaborate3020Give feedback to your partners' forum entries.
Read Watch Listen3020Getting aware of copyright issues: watch videos on plagiarism, copyright issues
Investigate904Inform yourself about copyright issues.
Produce9020Produce a poster that informs about the right to respect copyright.
Collaborate6020Present your poster to your classmates and to your eTwinning partners.
Participation in the Safer Internet Campaign: respectful online behaviour; eTwinning code of conduct
Resources linked: 0
The UN Agenda 2030: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
345 minutes)
Read Watch Listen1020Watch the videos on the SDGs and try to find out what the UN tries to achieve with its goals.
Discuss2020Discuss which of the goals you find most important and give reasons.
Investigate1802Do research on the goal you are most interested in.
Produce901Present your SDG by writing a text.
Collaborate454Find partners who collaborate with you on your SDG (padlet page, Twinspace forum).
Teachers' material: useful resources
Resources linked: 1
Speaking out for your SDG
515 minutes)
Read Watch Listen1520Watch videos of someone giving a speech about a worthy cause.
Discuss2020Which elements make up a good speech?
Read Watch Listen3020Read the method sheets about an elevator pitch.
Produce904Write an elevator pitch for your SDG.
Collaborate1804Write an elevator pitch with your eTwinning partners.
Practice3020Practice speaking your part of the elevator pitch with some emphasis.
Produce604Record your part of the elevator pitch.
Discuss304Discuss with your partners whether the recordings are suitable to be used for a common podcast.
Produce6020Make a poster about an organization that supports your SDG.
Resources linked: 0
Design a logo for your SDG
240 minutes)
Read Watch Listen4520Looking at existing logos and their function, their design.
Collaborate454Exchange ideas on how to create a logo for your SDG.
Produce901Produce a logo design for your SDG.
Discuss6020Discuss the logo designs and vote for the most suitable on the Twinboard poll.
Resources linked: 0
Explore the connection between music and your SDG
330 minutes)
Read Watch Listen4520Read the document about Music and your SDG.
Discuss4520Discuss to which extent music can help to promote an aspect of your SDG.
Produce9020Write a text in which you present some of the measures taken by musicians to promote the SDGs.
Collaborate4520Share your views on musicians' initiatives with your eTwinning partners.
Investigate604Explore whether there are already songs that deal with an aspect of your SDG.
Produce4520Present a song you find interesting to your partners.
Resources linked: 0
Composing a song about your SDG
630 minutes)
Produce454Write a word field in connection with your SDG.
Collaborate1204Collect ideas for a song about your SDG.
Discuss454Present your ideas for a song to your eTwinning partners in a live chat..
Discuss604Discuss your first ideas for a song with your classmates and ask for some feedback.
Produce1804Write the first song lyrics and upload them on the Twinspace.
Collaborate1804Exchange your ideas with your eTwinning partners on the Twinspace and finalize the song writing phase.
Resources linked: 0
Producing a song about your SDG
585 minutes)
Collaborate1804Turn your lyrics into a song by trying out rhythms, melodies.
Produce1204Produce a first musical version of your lyrics.
Collaborate604Present your first musical version to your eTwinning partners and discuss how to improve it.
Read Watch Listen454Give feedback to your partners' musical compositions.
Practice1804Sing your song.
Resources linked: 0
Promoting your SDG song: radio commercial
285 minutes)
Read Watch Listen4520Watch the videos on how a radio commercial is being done.
Collaborate604Collect ideas about a radio commercial for your song.
Produce904Write the text for your radio commercial.
Practice904Create your radio commercial.
Resources linked: 0
Song promotion: meme with a superhero
145 minutes)
Read Watch Listen2020Watch some examples of memes.
Produce604Produce a meme with a superhero for your SDG.
Discuss454Explain your meme to your classmates .
Collaborate2020Share your memes with your eTwinning partners on the Twinspace.
Resources linked: 0
Song interview
180 minutes)
Produce604Write a script for a song interview.
Practice604Practice presenting your interview script.
Collaborate604Create a podcast of your interview.
Resources linked: 0
90 minutes)
Discuss4520Discuss the pros and cons of your project experience.
Collaborate3020Exchange your ideas about the project experience on the Twinspace.
Read Watch Listen1520Fill in an evaluation survey.
Resources linked: 0
270 minutes)
Produce9020Create sketchnotes to document your project highlights.
Produce18020Edit your texts about your SDG and design your pages for an ebook.
PracticePractice a presentation of your project experience to the wider school community.
Resources linked: 0
Learning Experience
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