
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology

The Medical Research Council (MRC) works to improve the health of people in the UK and around the world by supporting excellent science and training the very best scientists, through investment on behalf of the UK tax payer. As part of the annual MRC Festival of Medical Research, we held a Summer Science Fete at UCL. It was a fun day for all ages and included hands-on activities, interactive demonstrations and games. Members of the public met MRC scientists and discussed their research.

Loved it!... This is the most awesome day ever... I love scientists... I found it very interesting and I learned a lot of new things. Amazing!... I loved looking at my own cells! Thank you!... Brilliant activities and very informative event. Thank you!

Participating units were:
For more information, contact mrcfestival@ucl.ac.uk
Download the flyer here.
Scientist engaging with father and daughter at science fair