
UCL London



UCL is a renowned global leader in education and we are committed to making a positive impact not only on a global scale but also within our local community.

UCL academy
UCL Academy 
UCL and UCL Academy work in partnership to support the educational visions and values of our two institutions.  In September 2012, UCL was the first university in England to become the sole sponsor of an academy school: UCL Academy. Since UCL Academy opened, UCL has provided a range of unique opportunities to support its development.  Serving a diverse, comprehensive student population in Camden, UCL Academy’s curriculum has been inspired by the vision of its sponsor, UCL. UCL Academy students engage with UCL’s current Grand Challenges and they are built into the Academy’s highly regarded connected curriculum. The location of the partnership with the UCL London Office provides excellent opportunities for the collaboration to flourish within London and beyond. 

An Academy Trust Board enables both institutions to track and monitor the impact of established programmes as well as explore, innovate and implement new ideas that support students and staff from both institutions to benefit from this unique relationship. Ways in which we collaborate include:

  • Guest lecture series: annual program of lectures sees UCL academic staff give lectures to Year 12 students at UCL Academy to raise student aspirations and give them an experience of a university lecture.  
  • Campus Tours and Bloomsbury/UCL East site experiences: UCL Academy students visit UCL for a campus tour annually, raising aspirations and receiving engaging talks from UCL Student Ambassadors and academics. Students in their GCSE year are given the opportunity to present to UCL staff on the UCL campus. 

How to get involved
For UCL community members interested in connecting with the UCL Academy, please contact Sarah Beech - s.beech [at] ucl.ac.uk