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A Journey Through Online

Language Learning

A journey through on-line language learning is a resource enabling language teachers to explore the possibilities of on-line learning, and understand how the vast range of ‘new’ media can fit and benefit their specific teaching goals and settings.

For this reason, a number of existing on-line language resources (Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian) have become the starting point for looking at a range of pedagogic aspects (syllabus types, progression, etc. see tabs at the top of the page) and how forms of on-line learning could work for them. Each of these aspects is explained concisely, illustrated throughout with examples and references to existing language resources, and rounded off with some useful and realistic things to consider. The content is mostly based on the authors’ own professional experience and secondary sources have been used only marginally.

The emphasis in these pages is on pedagogy and how on-line learning can benefit a variety of language teaching purposes. It does not focus on web tools for their own sake. However, more practical information on specific ‘web tools’ is included (see tab in yellow bar), explaining more technically how they work and how you can learn to work with them. The ‘resources’ tab includes academic references and detailed descriptions of the web resources referred to throughout the site.

These pages have been put together by language tutors who were associated with the Languages of the Wider World Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at SOAS and UCL (2005-2010). The creation of this site has been made possible through funding from the Languages of the Wider World CETL.