


Applied Mathematics Seminars 

Autumn 2024

Seminars  take place online on Tuesdays at 3.00pm on Zoom via the link https://ucl.zoom.us/j/99614222402. Many of the seminars will be 'hybrid' (i.e. in person +zoom). If you require any more information on the Applied seminars please contact Prof Jean-Marc Vanden-Broeck (e-mail: j.vanden-broeck AT ucl.ac.uk or tel: 020-7679-2835) or Prof Ilia Kamotski (e-mail: i.kamotski AT ucl.ac.uk or tel: 020-7679-3937).

Tuesday 8 October 2024 in Engineering Front Building, Executive Suite 103

Speaker: Gunnar Peng (UCL)

Title: Singularity and instability in drop electrohydrodynamics

Electrical manipulation of microscale flows has applications in e.g. printing, coating, microfabrication and microfluidics. Due to the nonlinear coupling between electrical and flow fields, even the simple case of a drop in an electric field can exhibit complex phenomena such as streaming from the poles or equator, and symmetry-breaking Quincke rotation or equatorial vortices. We consider a two-dimensional circular drop, neglecting deformation, and show that the Taylor-Melcher leaky-dielectric model reduces to a nonlinear integro-differential equation for the time evolution of the surface-charge density, which we simulate using a finite-difference scheme and analyse using asymptotic methods. We identify and charactarise a steady-state singularity in which the surface-charge density blows up as x^(-1/3), a finite-time singularity in which it blows up as (t0-t)^(-1/2), and a symmetry-breaking instability to Quincke rotation which can be subcritical, resulting in multi-stability.


Tuesday 15 October 2024 in Engineering Front Building, Executive Suite 103

Speaker: Dmitri Tseluiko (Loughborough)

Title: Singularity formation in inverted film flow and transition to dripping

The gravity-driven flow of a liquid film under an inclined plate is investigated at zero Reynolds number. Travelling-wave solutions are analysed assuming either a fixed fluid volume or a fixed flow rate for two thin-film models with either linearised or full curvature (the LCM and FCM, respectively) and the full equations of Stokes flow. Of particular interest is the breakdown of travelling-wave solutions as the plate inclination angle is increased, which is associated with the onset of dripping and which is analysed by asymptotic analysis and by constructing bifurcation diagrams for a wide range of parameters. It is found that the thin-film models either provide an accurate prediction for dripping onset or else supply an upper bound on the critical inclination angle [1]. The predictions from the asymptotic analysis and bifurcation diagrams are corroborated by direct numerical simulations for the Navier-Stokes equations using the open-source volume-of-fluid Gerris software.