The Teaching of King
Amenemhat I
Extracts on hieratic ostraca in the Petrie Museum:
(1) Pottery ostraca from the Ramesseum, Thebes West:
- UC Ramesseum 55 UC 32975
- UC Ramesseum 56 UC 32976
- UC Ramesseum 57 UC 32977
- UC Ramesseum 58 UC 32978
- UC Ramesseum 59 UC 32979
- UC Ramesseum 60 UC 32980
- UC Ramesseum 61 UC 32981
- UC Ramesseum 62 UC 32982
- UC Ramesseum 63 32983
- UC Ramesseum 97 UC 33016
- UC Ramesseum 102 UC 33020
(2) Limestone ostraca, probably all from Deir el-Medina,Thebes West
- UC 39629 Petrie Hieratic Ostraca 29
- UC 39653 Petrie Hieratic Ostraca 56
- UC 39654 Petrie Hieratic Ostraca 57
- UC 39663 Petrie Hieratic Ostraca 77
- UC 39672 Petrie Hieratic Ostraca 87
Other sources
Early Eighteenth Dynasty:
- Writing-board Brooklyn I
- Writing-board Brooklyn II
- Writing-board Carnarvon 5
- Mid-Eighteenth Dynasty, reign of Thutmose
III and Hatshepsut:
Four limestone ostraca from the Theban tomb of Senenmut (Hayes
1942: nos. 142 to 145 Guksch
1998: 285)
Ostracon found at Malkata (Leahy1978:
no. 180)
Late Eighteenth or perhaps early Nineteenth Dynasty: Pottery vessel base from
Amarna, published by Parkinson
1999: 221-226
Late Nineteenth Dynasty manuscripts:
- British Museum EA 10185 Papyrus Sallier I
- British Museum EA 10182 Papyrus Sallier II
- Papyrus Berlin 3019
- Fragment, mentioned by Gardiner
1935: 140
- Ramesside Period, leather roll Louvre E 4920
Ramesside ostraca other than those in the Petrie Museum, cited in the Helck
1969 edition, pages 1-5:
- British Museum EA 5623
- British Museum EA 5638
- Brussels E 6445
- Cairo CG 25217 from the temple precinct of Thutmose III, Thebes West
- Cairo CG 25223 from Thebes West
- Cairo CG 25223bis
- Cairo CG 25223ter from Dendera
- Cairo JdE 91283 (Simpson 1995:
14 fig.11)
- Sixteen ostraca from Deir el-Medina: IFAO DeM 1007, 1018, 1020, 1021, 1035,
1039, 1081, 1092, 1093, 1101, 1103, 1175, 1196, 1204 1205, 2034
- Lisht ostracon - found in the shadow of the pyramid complex of Amenemhat
I himself
- Seven ostraca formerly in the Michailides collection, numbers 20, 20bis,
23, 24, 50, 77, 80
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, ostraca Gardiner 322, 324, 348
- Ostracon Leipzig 7
- Ostracon published by Malinine1934:
- Ostraca Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, 4468 and 5518
- Ostracon Toronto A9
Late Dynastic Period, papyrus fragment from Elephantine, Berlin 23045
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