
UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


New review paper on protein-based biomaterials published in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering

20 September 2024

Molecular design of protein-based materials

CNIE’s PhD student Ebony Shire and collaborators have published a review paper in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering titled “Molecular design of protein-based materials – state of the art, opportunities and challenges at the interface between materials engineering and synthetic biology”. This publication discusses the molecular design of recombinant structural proteins as alternatives to fossil-based polymers, inspired by those that exist in nature such as elastin, silk and collagen, among others. Progress in the fields of soft materials and recombinant DNA technologies have led to the ability to design novel structural proteins with monomer-level sequence control. This review addresses the developments in understanding their structure-function relationships, as well as both the experimental and computational approaches that can lead to high-throughput approaches to the manufacture of these biopolymers.

The work was a collaborative effort between the CNIE researchers from the department of Chemical Engineering and the Manufacturing Futures Lab (MFL) Ebony Shire and Diego López Barreiro, researchers from the department of Biochemical Engineering at UCL André A. B. Coimbra and Leonardo Rios-Solis, and the visiting researcher from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador Carlos Barba-Ostria. Funding from the Royal Society and EPSRC is gratefully acknowledged.

The article is part of the Emerging Investigators series from the journal Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, featuring the research from Diego López Barreiro’s research group among others, and can be downloaded open-access here.

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