
UCL School of Pharmacy


Electronic Journals

All the journals UCL Libraries subscribes to in print and electronically are available from the Library Catalogue in Explore. Search by individual journal title or browse by any word in the journal title. Each record gives you a direct link to the journal page if we have online access, tells you the years available and in which format, plus any restrictions you need to know about.

If we do not hold or have access to an article you require please have a look at our InterLibrary Loans Service.

Other Free Full-Text Electronic Journal Services

  • FreeMedicalJournals An excellent list of free medical journals of the Web.
  • BioMed Central BioMed Central is an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate free access to peer reviewed biomedical research. All the original research articles in journals published by BioMed Central are immediately and permanently available online without charge or any other barriers to access.
  • PubMed Central PubMed Central is a digital archive of life sciences journal literature managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). It is not a journal publisher. Access to PubMed Central (PMC) is free and unrestricted.
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) This directory aims to provide free access to quality scholarly and scientific journals. They cover all subject areas, including biology and life sciences, chemistry and health sciences.
  • High Wire Press Stanford University Libraries started High Wire Press in 1995. Their database covers over 4,500 medical journals although non-subscribers may only search for references and view abstracts. Non-subscribers have access to free full-text articles from over 330 High Wire-hosted titles.
  • Medscape Free access to some content of the many medical journals listed in Medscape. Registering is free and provides access to selected content of high quality journals as part of the Medscape's Publishers' Circle©

Links to Journal Publishers' Sites

  • Ingenta Journals Gives you access to the contents pages and abstracts of journals published by Academic Press, Arnold, Blackwell Science, Blackwell Publishers, Gordon and Breach, Harwood Academic, Portland Press, Professional Engineering Publishing and White Horse Press.
  • Blackwell-Synergy is an online journal service from Blackwell Science and Munksgaard. It gives access to tables of contents and abstracts from over 370 science, medical and professional journals.
  • Kluwer Academic Publishers contains only their own published journals. Note that only contents pages and abstracts are usually available from this site.
  • Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) produces journals covering all branches of chemistry, including inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical physics. Note that some titles require you to have a subscription to obtain full-text articles.

Tables of Contents Services

  • ticTOCs is a scholarly journal tables of contents (TOCs) service.  It’s free, its easy to use, and it provides access to the most recent tables of contents of over 11,000 scholarly journals from more than 400 publishers.  It helps scholars, researchers, academics and anyone else keep up-to-date with what’s being published in the most recent issues of journals on almost any subject. ticTOCs has been funded under the JISC Users & Innovations programme.
  • Zetoc from the British Library covers over 20,000 current journals and 16,000 conference proceedings in all disciplines. Coverage begins from 1993 and includes daily updates.